Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Brother in Christ

Sunday we visited the Sitsatsaweni Church of the Nazarene. This is where our first GO TEAM project was. When the team was here we showed the Jesus film and many came to know Christ. Most were children but there was a drunken man in his late 20's that came forward. The Pastor and some of our team worked and prayed with him. Sunday he was in Church and testified to God's saving power. We tooks some pictures of him. What a change in the a new child of God.

Picture L to R Rev Pato 79 year old Pastor of Church, Johnny Fillmore Missionary from Mozambique, New Brother in Christ (Sorry we can not remember his name but I'm so glad God doesn't forget us) Will & Karis

Friday, August 22, 2008

Heart of the People

Friday we had a great day with the East District Supt. We got to know his heart and his passion for the people of Swaziland. He shared with us some of the greatest needs as far as building on his District. The communities have the workers but NO money to complete projects that have been started. One Church started building over 10 years ago and had to stop due to lack of funds. They have the foundation poured and the walls up but no roofing material or beams for the roof. If God should lay on your heart this project just contact BFC to see how you can become an answer to many of their prayers. The big problem we are seeing is that they start to build not counting the cost or budgeting ahead of time. Then when they run out of funds they stop. Pray for us as we work with people to help them plan ahead and have a plan ready before beginning a project. We have also been in contact with a young man that builds solar water pumps. This is also a great need. The community that our GO TEAM was working with has been without water for 7 years. How do you live without water. They also do not get much rain even in the rainy season. Oh the needs are so great but the greatest need in for the people to know and serve Christ. Continue to pray for us as we share the love of Christ.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crocks, crocks & more crocks

When the GO TEAM came here the last of July they all brought these shoes with them. Over 250 pair which we sorted by size and gave them to New Hope Center children and for them to also share with their community. What a joy to see the faces of the Teachers as we were able to share these crocks. Many will benefit from these. God laid on someones heart in Oklahoma to buy these crocks for children in Africa. She bought 1000 pair and then wondered how she would get them to Africa. God then connected her with BFC and the 1st of many pair were brought in. God will make a way for His Will to be carried out. We just have to be obedient. LORD, Bless the dear one you spoke to in Oklahoma.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

God is so good

Today we went to the Swaziland Government to start the process of getting a visa to stay here. We have been told by many Americans that you must go back and forth at least 4 times to get all the paper work that they need. Well, we walked in to the office and in less than 10 minutes we walked out with a # and told to come back in a month to get the next step of paper work. Praise the Lord we had all that we needed the first time and it was rather easy. We had our Friends Bob & Shirly Aldrich with us, with hopes of getting the final paper work done to be able to stay until the first part of February. When they walked out Bob can stay until February 6, 2009 and Shirley can stay until January 1, 2008. This means that they need to go back to Mbabane again soon. This is just another confirmation to us that we are where God's wants us.

The sun is shining today and it has again warmed up. After 2 days of cloudy, overcast skies, we were more than ready to see the sun. On our trip to Mbabane which is about 35k or 25 miles we saw some beautiful mountains and then the valleys where they grow pineapple and sugar cane.

We plan to just relax the rest of the day and reflect on the work that needs to be done here in Swaziland. Thursday we will be going out to home visits with the Nazarene HIV/AIDS Task force. I have been out on these visits when our GO TEAM was here but this will be a first for Will. Pray for us that we can give some encouragement and share the love of Jesus with these dear people.

Thanks for all of your for your prayers and words of encouragement.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thanks for your prayers

Yesterday we talked about the bush fires and ask you to pray for rain. God answered very quickly with a little rain this morning. Not much but every little bit helps. We could see the mountain range from our flat this morning because the rain had cleared away some of the smoke.

Worshipped today at Living Waters Church of the Nazarene. It is the only full English speaking Church in the area. Then we had lunch with a couple from Tenn. Bob & Shirley Aldrich. Shirley is working on the curriculum at the College of Nursing. As we talked we found that we knew many people in common and then found that Bob is related to our son-in-law Nathan Mund. What a small world. Sharon Mund if you read this Bob is a cousin of yours. Also Dave Mund and Bob grew up together. You just have to watch who you talk about in the realm of the Nazarene Church. We are all related or know some of their relatives.

Tonight we gathered with a Swazi, a couple from South Africa, a couple from Ohio and a couple from Tenn. for an evening of old fashion hymn sing. Since it is not safe to be out on the roads at night we will be gathering together with some of our neighbors to share the love of Christ. What a joy to share with these dear people that are all Missionaries in their own way.

It is very cool here tonight in the low 50's after in the 90's on Friday. As we look out our window it is again raining. It looks like snow as you look at the light but we know it is rain. Much needed rain. Thanks again for your prayers.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bush Fires

Today it is very hazy. We can not see the mountains. Smoke smell is very strong. There are a lot of fires burning out in the bush. We are so glad that it is not windy like Oklahoma.

I have learned that you can get along without a Washer & Dryer, Microwave, Crock Pot, Toaster oven, coffee pot and TV but you can not be with out a hot pot. Everyone drinks instant coffee or tea. I have been averaging about 4to 6 cups of tea a day. Will still drinks coffee. Instant Nescafe is good and Rooibos Tea is great with sugar & cream. We use brown sugar here which is not at all like Brown sugar in the states. To my family that knows how I like to do laundry, well that may change. I am doing a lot by hand in the kitchen sink. We can use the neighbors maid to do the heavier things.

We know that school is about to start for many of you and we are praying for you, teachers and students.

The work at the construction site (Nurses house) is coming along very well. our team was able to see it almost under roof when they left. Nurse Loaf hopes to be able to move in about 2 weeks. Then he will be able to bring his wife and 2 children here to live. They are now living in Zimbabwe. He is so excited as he has been living in the Clinic for almost 3 years.

Pray for rain.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Swaziland a beautiful country

Beautiful Swaziland and beautiful people but oh such needs. We are so blessed and so spoiled in the USA. God is showing us this every day as we see what little so many live on and the houses they live in.

So much has happened since we last wrote. We were not able to get on line until earlier this week but I think we are finally able to start up-dating you. All is well here. We have been very busy and I will probably share many things that happened the 1st 2 plus weeks as we go along. The first week here was setting up plans for the GO TEAM from BFC & SNU.

We have met so many people and those that will always hold a special place in our hearts. We have helped celebrate many birthdays some from our team and Sunday evening with a swazi as he celebrated his special day. You just can't help but fall in love with these precious people. They are so friendly and loving. They have accepted us with open arms. It is so easy to share Christ here as most people believe and proclaim Christ. I'm sure there are plenty to share with that do not know but so far we have not come in contact with many.

Today Will is in Sitsatsaweni at the work site of our GO TEAM painting window frams that were not quite finished by the team. The Nurses house is up and they are working on the inside. Will have a better up-date after Will comes in tonight.

Yeasterday we got our car so this morning I braved or should I say Will braved to let me drive from our flat to the Hospital where he got a ride to the site. It is very different driving on the other side of the road and driving from the passenger side of the car. We are learning the Swazi ways.

Pray for us as we work on getting our visas so we can stay and do the work that God has called us to do.