Beautiful Swaziland and beautiful people but oh such needs. We are so blessed and so spoiled in the USA. God is showing us this every day as we see what little so many live on and the houses they live in.
So much has happened since we last wrote. We were not able to get on line until earlier this week but I think we are finally able to start up-dating you. All is well here. We have been very busy and I will probably share many things that happened the 1st 2 plus weeks as we go along. The first week here was setting up plans for the GO TEAM from BFC & SNU.
We have met so many people and those that will always hold a special place in our hearts. We have helped celebrate many birthdays some from our team and Sunday evening with a swazi as he celebrated his special day. You just can't help but fall in love with these precious people. They are so friendly and loving. They have accepted us with open arms. It is so easy to share Christ here as most people believe and proclaim Christ. I'm sure there are plenty to share with that do not know but so far we have not come in contact with many.
Today Will is in Sitsatsaweni at the work site of our GO TEAM painting window frams that were not quite finished by the team. The Nurses house is up and they are working on the inside. Will have a better up-date after Will comes in tonight.
Yeasterday we got our car so this morning I braved or should I say Will braved to let me drive from our flat to the Hospital where he got a ride to the site. It is very different driving on the other side of the road and driving from the passenger side of the car. We are learning the Swazi ways.
Pray for us as we work on getting our visas so we can stay and do the work that God has called us to do.