Karis is doing much better. After 3 --- 1 hour physical therapy sessions, I are not having the muscle spasms and the bruises are fading.
Our plans were to leave today for a Holiday to South Africa to Cape Town. We now plan to leave next Tuesday Lord Willing. Bob & Shirley Aldrich are flying out of Cape Town for the USA on Feb. 9th so we are taking them there and plan to site see along the way. We will be traveling down the coast viewing the Indian Ocean and all the other sites. After they board the plane we will then head North to Johannasburg and stop to visit the Regional African Nazarene offices there before heading back to Manzini.
Not sure if we will be able to send blogs along the way, so if you do not hear from us, just keep checking we will be back with you after the trip.
The rain has been coming a lot lately and there are places in this small country that are not accessable by car. To be shut off from the rest of the country is a way of life for many of the Swazi's. But the rain is soooooooooo welcomed and needed. The maize is growing well this year and there should be more food for the people in the Winter months.
We will write again before we leave on Tuesday. Thanks for your prayers.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
It is fun getting older...but today I can sit at the computer and not be in pain. On January 17 we received a phone call from our son...(Aaron you probably need to know the facts, BUT do not stop calling us.) I, Karis was already asleep and when I awoke to go to the phone in the Living room, I missed the chair and landed on the floor on my left hip. I had the phone receiver in my hand so continued to talk and pray (that the conversation didn't last to long) Will had to help me up but I knew nothing was broken just a bruised hip and my pride. As my family will say I can be stubborn. Will wanted to take me to see the Doctor but I said NO. After a day of taking care of my hip and my pride we continued on about our work and made some trips in the car to Sitsatsaweni, Mbabane, & Piggs Peak. The last trip which was Monday was not good. I could not get comfortable in the car so I was very tense and over working the muscles that had already been damaged. Later that evening I began to have muscle spasms in my left side near the waist line. These began to make it hard to move and almost unable to walk when the cramp was in progress. Lying down there was no pain whatsoever. By Tuesday morning I knew Will was right, (as he usually is) I needed to see a Doctor. What a Blessing to live next door to the Chief of Medical Staff at RFM. He came to check me out and then made arrangements to have x-Rays and see a surgeon who also lives in the flat behind us. God has us well covered here as far as the Medical Staff. No broken bones just bruises and muscle spasms.
I have had 2 -- 1 hour Physical Therapy sessions and am feeling a whole lot better already. God is the great Physican but I also Praise Him for giving us the Medical Doctors to help with the healing process.
Oh to know I am getting older and have to watch so I don't fall. Fun, fun, fun. But anyway as I think of this day I really know how old I am getting. Happy "40" Birthday Cindy. There was an ice storm the day you were born. Today we are having a beautiful gentle rain. I'll take the rain over ice anyday. Love you. Have a great day.
I have had 2 -- 1 hour Physical Therapy sessions and am feeling a whole lot better already. God is the great Physican but I also Praise Him for giving us the Medical Doctors to help with the healing process.
Oh to know I am getting older and have to watch so I don't fall. Fun, fun, fun. But anyway as I think of this day I really know how old I am getting. Happy "40" Birthday Cindy. There was an ice storm the day you were born. Today we are having a beautiful gentle rain. I'll take the rain over ice anyday. Love you. Have a great day.
Saturday, January 24, 2009

Elvis, Bennina, Baby Albert & Manuel
Refer back to the blog on Christmas day. These are the Swazi, Mozambique families we spent the day with. What a wonderful day it was.
Elvis is our 'do everything' around the flats man. He washes our vehicle, mows the yard (with a weed eater), takes the trash out to the road, sweeps the sidewalks, helps carry in our groceries if he is around at the time, and on and on and on. Anything you ask of him he does willingly.
What makes him special --- is that he is HIV/AIDS positive and is faithfully taking his medication treatments. He has had some rough times since we have known him but still he keeps a positive attitude and smile on his face.
Three years ago he lost his wife to this dreadful disease and then a short time later lost a little girl of the same. He has an eight year old daughter that his Mother is raising.
During the Christmas Holidays he was to go home to see his daughter but since Val Young of the Regional Office (the one in charge of the flats) was gone he stayed to help keep things running smoothly.
Even fighting this awful disease, he shows how a person can continue to live, work and be an encouragement to others. Please remember our friend Elvis in your prayers.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Africian Celebration
It was very interesting to be in Swaziland and watch the inauguration. All Africa was celebrating. It is a great encouragement to them. The election of an African American has made them proud of America. When they realize the percentage of African Americans in the United States they are even more amazed.
The peaceful exchange of leadership is almost impossible for them comprehend. Let us all pray that this example of freedom and equality will spread through out the world. We see a strong class distinction here among those of the same race. It is mostly based on educational or financial standing.
Many here considered as the lower class have little hope of advancing. They do not have free education even in primary school, so many of the poor receive very little education.
Let us pray that the United States will continue this positive influence around the world.
The peaceful exchange of leadership is almost impossible for them comprehend. Let us all pray that this example of freedom and equality will spread through out the world. We see a strong class distinction here among those of the same race. It is mostly based on educational or financial standing.
Many here considered as the lower class have little hope of advancing. They do not have free education even in primary school, so many of the poor receive very little education.
Let us pray that the United States will continue this positive influence around the world.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Incomplete Buildings

A Clinic that was started by one of our Swazi Nazarene Churches (not RFM) several years ago. This is a larger clinic than most of the ones that are a part of RFM.
This is what we see over and over and over again. Every where we go there is a building standing partially completed. Many times they build the walls and run out of money so it may stand that way for years. There is no planning ahead and counting the cost before the building starts. The attitude seems to be 'We want or need this building so let's start' then when the money runs out they hope someone comes along to finish it. Pray that we can instill a desire to know the cost and have the money before beginning the project. So much is wasted on build materials.
These unfinished buildings are seen in Manzini, along the highways, in the country and out in the bush. Anywhere and everywhere.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Should We Try It?

Cindy, How about this road. Would you cross it or not? Well, needless to say we went across and we are safe. It was a beautiful site. Yesterday we were out visiting two Clinics. 300 km with 100 km on narrow dirt roads that have many pot holes, rocks, and areas where the rain has made its path to a lower spot. Those areas can be straight across or down the middle or side or both sides of the roads. We have to be watching closely for which side is best to drive on. Then of course we must watch out for the animals and people. But through all the rough roads, the scenery was beautiful. We continue to be amazed at the beauty we have seen. We left home around 8:30 am and returned about 5 pm. A long day but delightful visit with the Nurses at the Clinics. Also Matron Anna is always a delight to be with.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Under, In, Above Clouds

What a day. We went to Hlatikhulu. Now try to say that. Will preached to about 200Swazi people through an interpreter, which was the Pastor, who was nursing a broken ankle. The Sunday School hour began at 10 am and then followed by the Worship Service which was not over until after 1:30 pm. Following that there was a meal served so most stayed in the Church as it was raining. Here they fill the plates and bring them to you. Kenny you would not like it as all the food was piled on top of the rice. Salads, veggies, meats and whatever is being served. But it really is good food.
We were taken into the Parsonage where we were served as the rest but on fancy plates and soft chairs not benches and plastic plates. It continued to rain most of the day but that did not dampen any ones Spirit.
This was Family Day and the Preaching Point Church was invited to the service. They sang, shared and gave Testimonies. There were 2 other groups that sang specials, a VBS program, some testimonies from students that had just returned from studying in South Africa. All this happened before the Message.
Following lunch we drove to the Preaching Point about 7 km away. Praise God for 4 wheel drive. This Church actually meets under a tree unless it is raining and then they meet in the Pastors home which was quite small.
Now about the clouds. It was a rainy day as I said and we drove about 75 km to get there. During our drive we were below the clouds, in them and a couple of times even above them as we went to higher elevation. It was beautiful. We continue to be amazed at the beauty in Swaziland.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Showers of Blessings

This is some of the beautiful land scape that we have seen along our travels to the Clinics.
God is sooooooooooooooo good, All the time God is good.
We have had 4 or 5 days of 100 + degree temperature but today God has sent us Showers of Blessings in the form of rain and a drop in the temperature. It has rained most of the day with off and on thunderstorms. We were without electricity for a couples of hours but that is often the case, so we just light candles and enjoy the rain. People do not complain about the rain here. It is truly a Blessings. Thanks for your prayers. Have a great weekend.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Dedicated Nurses
Yesterday we visited some more of the 17 Nazarene Clinics that we have here in Swaziland. It seems as if we have been here long enough to have seen them all but we still have 5 that we have not visited. When we go out to them we have to have Matron Anna the Community Health Nurse from RFM or someone else to go with us. We can not find these places on our own. The second time is a little easier but remember when you get out into the bush there are No paved roads, No road sign and so you just have to find your own landmarks. They use trees a lot here. Well sometimes the trees all look alike to us.
One of the Clinics or should we say Nurses that we visited really stood out to us. She is working by herself, but awaiting the arrival of another Nurse. The Clinic is 45 km from Manzini and 20 km is a dirt road. We saw no other vehicle on the dirt road. She has no transportation. But she has dedicated her life to helping those in the Bush to receive the needed Medical Treatment. There is a Church on the Mission grounds but the Pastor ans family live in Manzini. She is basically out there alone doing the work God has called her. Now that is Dedication with a capital D. She was very excited to show us the clinic and her Church.
Pray for all those that could be working in town but have given their lives to help the less fortunate.
One of the Clinics or should we say Nurses that we visited really stood out to us. She is working by herself, but awaiting the arrival of another Nurse. The Clinic is 45 km from Manzini and 20 km is a dirt road. We saw no other vehicle on the dirt road. She has no transportation. But she has dedicated her life to helping those in the Bush to receive the needed Medical Treatment. There is a Church on the Mission grounds but the Pastor ans family live in Manzini. She is basically out there alone doing the work God has called her. Now that is Dedication with a capital D. She was very excited to show us the clinic and her Church.
Pray for all those that could be working in town but have given their lives to help the less fortunate.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Lives Affected
One of the reasons we write this blog is to encourage each one who follows our journey and all who might just happen to stumble onto it. Our hope is that it inspires you to make a difference for God in the lives of others.
Once in a while we receive a comment from someone from our distant past. This blog is inspired by a recent comment. We have always loved to sing. My (Will) love for singing was greatly encouraged by an enthusiastic Choir Director in College. She challenged us to learn and enjoy a variety of music types. (Thanks Christine) Most sports have passed us by, 'but we can still sing'.
This reminds us and we trust reminds you that we never know whose life we might affect. Most of the time we don't realize our influence. That is good, because God gets the Glory.
Who might you thank today for their past encouragement to you? Keep the comments coming in to us, we love hearing from you.
Once in a while we receive a comment from someone from our distant past. This blog is inspired by a recent comment. We have always loved to sing. My (Will) love for singing was greatly encouraged by an enthusiastic Choir Director in College. She challenged us to learn and enjoy a variety of music types. (Thanks Christine) Most sports have passed us by, 'but we can still sing'.
This reminds us and we trust reminds you that we never know whose life we might affect. Most of the time we don't realize our influence. That is good, because God gets the Glory.
Who might you thank today for their past encouragement to you? Keep the comments coming in to us, we love hearing from you.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Blessings in 2009

This is how we spent part of our time the last few hours of 2008. Could you be outside at 9 PM grilling in short sleaves? Living Waters Nazarene Church had a time of fellowship and games then at 10 PM we went into the Church for a time of testimonies, singing and then brought in the New Year while in Prayer. It was beautiful.
Reflecting back on 2008: We did not know this time last year that we would be serving God in Swaziland. We do not know what 2009 holds for us but we do know Who Holds Our Future. Praise God! He has been so good to us and taken us places we had only dreamed of. God has also taken us out of our comfort zone many times but He has always been with us each step of the way.
We pray and ask God for a Blessed, Healthy, Fulfilling 2009 year for you. None of us know when our lives may be done on this earth but the key is to be ready to live FOREVER with Christ in Heaven. We pray that everyone who reads this has made the commitment to live for Christ Eternally. If not NOW IS THE TIME.
We love you all!
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