Thursday, February 26, 2009

Visa Permit

We spent time in Mbabane yesterday trying to get our permit renewed. It expires tomorrow although we have 30 days renewed because we left Swaziland when we went to Cape Town. There have been 3 trips there this time for renewal and they keep telling us to come back again next week. Even though we are returning to the US in April we still need this paper work done. The first 6 months permit was faily easy, so it is hard for us to understand why all the trips to Mbabane is necessary this time. That is Government practices I guess. Anyway please pray that when we return to the Immigration Office next Wednesday that all is in order.

Today Will is spending the day in Mbabane working at the new Offices that the Partnership is setting up. There is a lot of outside clean up and inside touch up to be done. He has 2 Swazi men with him and they are hard workers so the job should be done by the end of the day.

I had another Physiotherapy treatment today and can tell my back is improving. Exercise is not a favorite of mine but I have exercises to do and will do them faithfully as I am tired of having a back ache. Guess God knows what it will take to get me to do them. Anyway I am trying.

We love you all and are praying for you.

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