We spent time in Mbabane yesterday trying to get our permit renewed. It expires tomorrow although we have 30 days renewed because we left Swaziland when we went to Cape Town. There have been 3 trips there this time for renewal and they keep telling us to come back again next week. Even though we are returning to the US in April we still need this paper work done. The first 6 months permit was faily easy, so it is hard for us to understand why all the trips to Mbabane is necessary this time. That is Government practices I guess. Anyway please pray that when we return to the Immigration Office next Wednesday that all is in order.
Today Will is spending the day in Mbabane working at the new Offices that the Partnership is setting up. There is a lot of outside clean up and inside touch up to be done. He has 2 Swazi men with him and they are hard workers so the job should be done by the end of the day.
I had another Physiotherapy treatment today and can tell my back is improving. Exercise is not a favorite of mine but I have exercises to do and will do them faithfully as I am tired of having a back ache. Guess God knows what it will take to get me to do them. Anyway I am trying.
We love you all and are praying for you.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What does your home look like? We have seen so many different types of homes from beautiful big 2 and 3 story homes to those made of sticks and stones. Yes, they actually have homes here built with sticks or stones with mud in between the sticks or the stones. Many of the places are just sheets of rusty old tin roofing that they use. Many people in the Bush use whatever they can find. Then you may see a nice cement block home just across the road. Many homes have thatched roofs. There are some nice places that have thatch that has been styled in fancy styles. We thought we had seen some rough looking homes before but they could be mansions for many that live here.
God cares for us no matter where we live. Have you thanked Him for the nice place you have. A roof over your head, carpet or nice flooring at your feet, electricity at the flip of the switch and water with just a turn of the faucet. Take time to Thank Him right now.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Last Day of Trip

Day 10 Final Day. We were ready to get back to our flat in Manzini. Drove through rain most of the day. There had been a lot of rain and there was even evidence of flooding along the way. We saw a lot more farm land and it looked a lot like the Mid West with a little more hills. As we approached Swaziland and the higher elevation it became quite foggy. We were very glad that we could follow the lights of a big truck for the last 50 km. Arrived home about 9 pm tired of being in the car but thanking God for the safe travels and for the beautiful we had seen.
Now that you have traveled with us for a few days, we hope you got just a glimps of what we experienced. It was a whirlwind once in a life time trip.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Cape Town # 8
Day 9 Feb. 11. This was a long day of 750 km which is almost 500 miles. The first part was desert. There gradually became more and more grazing of sheep and cattle. Later we came into the farming area of rolling hills. They grow sun flowers, corn(maze), soy beans, and hay. It looked a lot like the rolling farm areas in the Mid West.
We ended up in Bethlehem and crossed over the Jordan River. Yes, that is the name of the small river. We found a beautiful B & B in Bethlehem. Oh, by the way there was room in the Inn. This was a very clean town of about 50,000. It was higher elevation so was quite cool that evening and raining.
We ended up in Bethlehem and crossed over the Jordan River. Yes, that is the name of the small river. We found a beautiful B & B in Bethlehem. Oh, by the way there was room in the Inn. This was a very clean town of about 50,000. It was higher elevation so was quite cool that evening and raining.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Cape Town # 7

Day 8 We started the day off by driving through a tunnel that was about 3 miles long. Not a comfortable time for Karis. Most of the day was traveling through the desert part of South Africa which was very different and interesting. We saw wind mills and a few sheep but hardly any buildings. The cactus were just starting to bloom. We had been told that this would be a very hot and dry area, but it was an overcast rainy day so we did not experience the heat until we returned back to Manzini.
We stayed in Beaufort West in a second rate motel by US standards. The city was a very poor city of about 50,000 people.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Cape Town # 6

Day 7 Feb. 9 By 9:30 am we were all packed and ready to check out of our hotel. Bob and Shirley had packed and unpacked and repacked to try to get their luggage within the weight limit for the airlines. We just put things in our luggage and forgot about it. That frustration will come later for us. It was about 50 km to the Cape of Good Hope. OH!!! What a view. We could see the currents changing as the Indian and Atlantic Oceans came together. We now understand whey there were so many ship wrecks in this area. This is also a very rocky area. The fog came in and left just as fast a couple of times while we were at the Cape.
After driving back to Cape Town we dropped our dear friends Bob & Shirley off at the airport. How sad to say good-bye to them even though we hope to see them again in the Fall. We drove to Paarl which is one of the oldest cities in South Africa. It reminded us of an old town in Virginia. There was a beautiful Dutch Reformed Church that was built in 1805 and is still a very active church. The 120,000 people looked to be mostly Africans.
There were also many vineyards along this drive. You would think you were in central California.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Cape Town # 5

Day 6, Feb 8 We attended the Immanuel Church of the Nazarene. It is in the poorer section of Cape Town. The Church is made up of many cultures and colors. What a beautiful service with a full Church. 150 in a room about the size of the Fireside room at BFC. There were probably 40 children sitting on the floor.
We went to a nice restaurant with the Associated Pastor and his wife. He is 73 years old and planted this Church in 1982. After retirement last year, he and his wife returned to do volunteer Ministry with the present Pastor. The present Pastor has been there 8 years. He is bi-vocational.
God has been in the services we have attended and we enjoy worshipping with all the different types of services here in Africa.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Cape Town # 4

Day 5 Feb. 7 On to Cape Town. We took the scenic route. Mainly along the Indian Ocean. Some of this drive could have been along the Pacific Coast near San Diego. Beautiful Mountains and some very rocky drops 1000 feet to the water. We arrived at the Westin Hotel around 4 pm. We were on the 15th floor so had a great view of the city, mountains and the ocean. All were very tired but Praising God for the safe traveling and for all the wonderful scenery that He has created for us to enjoy.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Cape Town # 3

Port Elizabeth to Cape Town is straight West. The first part of the trip was along the coast with some very beautiful ocean scenery. The second part was slightly in land through the bread basket of South Africa. The picture of the elevator could be in Western Oklahoma but in fact it was in Bredasdorp, South Africa. The wheat was harvested in December and there were a lot of straw bales, hay bales and a lot of cattle. Our stop that night was in Arniston about 100 km from Cape Town. We were just a block from the ocean in a quaint B & B. This area is nearly the farthest South place in Africa. A small fishing town with lots of fishing boats.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Cape Town #2

Day 3 Feb 5 --- We drove through East London and beyond Port Elizabeth. The towns were older and we noticed more Africans influence in the architecture. The terrain could have put us in the middle of Kentucky. There were more trees and a scattering of many different kinds of farming. We stopped at Jeffery'e Bay right on the water front. It was a beautiful B & B abd a beautiful site of the ocean.
Cape Town Trip # 1

Over the next few days we are hoping to give you a review of the sites and beauty of South Africa. Yes we are here doing Volunteer Mission Work but sometimes you just need a vacation.
Day 1 Feb. 3rd we drove out the very South East corner of Swaziland on a very hot day and on to Durban. There was a lot of sugar cane growing with much irrigation. South Africa has captured its water resources with many dams both large and small. At times we pictured ourselves going through the sugar cane fields of Louisiana.
Day 2 Feb. 4th we traveled from Durban to East London. Part of the time we were along the beautiful Indian Ocean and other times the road took us inland to an elevation of almost 1 mile. It was much cooler. Even though this was Wednesday the main streets of villages were very crouded with pedesterians. There was much construction just like the highways in the USA. We saw sheep for the first time in South Africa grazing in the very mountianous country side.
We know this will not tell you all the beauty we enjoyed but we hope you can get a glimpes.
Friday, February 13, 2009

There are so many different kinds of trees here. We do not see the Maple, Elm, Ash, Oak and etc. We have seen many pine but they are also different. This one is seen often in South Africa but I do not know the name. Sorry. Many are flowering with brillant colors such as purple, red, yellow and white.
We have had a day of trying to get unpacked, laundry done, and catching up on rest after the days of travel. Next week it will be back to whatever God leads us to do.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Back in Manzini

This was taken from our room in Cape Town. The boat like object (that is being built) in the back ground is where some of the World Cup Soccer will be played in 2010.
Arrived home about 9 pm today and are very tired. We traveled over 3000 miles in 6 days of traveling. We were gone 10 days and saw some amazing beauty. Will share more about our trip later.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Relaxing Day

Today we worshiped with a Nazarene Church near downtown Cape Town. It was about 80 people of different Nationalities and an wonderful presence of the Lord. The message was directed to the young people encouraging them to give their all to the Lord and to serve Him. This is a message for us all. Following the service we ask for directions to a nice restaurant and the Retired Pastor which is the Assistant had us follow him to a great steak house and then invited us back to their home for coffee. We had a great time sharing how God continues to use us in our lives. He had started this Church in 1982 and then came back to the church after retirement to do volunteer work.
God is so good and has given us opportunities to worship Him with many different people throughout the world. In our ministry throughout the US, to Montreal, Quebec, to Africa. We wonder where will God will lead us next.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Cape Town
We have arrived in Cape Town, South Africa this afternoon. It was a long trip but oh so beautiful and adventuresome. The first day out we stopped for lunch and when we came back to the car, we had a flat tire. God sent an angel to change it for us as we quickly found out we had no jack. Don't all cars come with a jack? Well this one had none. The rest of the trip was just a beautiful drive through many different changes of land from Mountains, to Valleys, to flat farm land and then the rocky terrain. But when we reached the Indian Ocean it was beauty beyond words. We have walked the beach and wadded in the Ocean. Sometimes I wonder when we will wake up and realize it was all a dream.
Our lodging has been as varried as the land we have seen. A cracker box Bed & Breakfast to a Condo over looking the ocean. Tonight we are staying in the Downtown Westin in Cape Town commplements of our friends Bob & Shirley. Will be here till Monday morning so will have time to update you on more this week-end.
Karis' back began to act up again on the 3rd day out. We will appreciate your prayers for the travel home.
Have a great time worshiping the Lord tomorrow. We love you all and are praying for you.
Our lodging has been as varried as the land we have seen. A cracker box Bed & Breakfast to a Condo over looking the ocean. Tonight we are staying in the Downtown Westin in Cape Town commplements of our friends Bob & Shirley. Will be here till Monday morning so will have time to update you on more this week-end.
Karis' back began to act up again on the 3rd day out. We will appreciate your prayers for the travel home.
Have a great time worshiping the Lord tomorrow. We love you all and are praying for you.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Barbwire Fence Clothes Line

This is a frequent site as the people make use of whatever is available. The fence is there so why buy clothes lines.
We are doing fine and plan to leave tomorrow AM for a 2 week trip into South Africa. We will be heading down the coast of South Africa driving a good share of the time along the Indian Ocean. We plan to take our time and stop to see whatever catches our eye. Cape Town is our goal for Saturday - Monday. Bob & Shirley Aldrich will be flying out on Monday for the USA and then we will head for Johannsburg for a few days. That part of the trip will take us through the desert that will be hot and not as pretty. Will be meeting with some of the Africian Regional Staff. Some of whom we know from just brief meetings.
We will be back with you when we get back to Manzini or when we have access to the Internet. Whichever comes first. Have a great week. We love you all and are praying for you.
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