Over the next few days we are hoping to give you a review of the sites and beauty of South Africa. Yes we are here doing Volunteer Mission Work but sometimes you just need a vacation.
Day 1 Feb. 3rd we drove out the very South East corner of Swaziland on a very hot day and on to Durban. There was a lot of sugar cane growing with much irrigation. South Africa has captured its water resources with many dams both large and small. At times we pictured ourselves going through the sugar cane fields of Louisiana.
Day 2 Feb. 4th we traveled from Durban to East London. Part of the time we were along the beautiful Indian Ocean and other times the road took us inland to an elevation of almost 1 mile. It was much cooler. Even though this was Wednesday the main streets of villages were very crouded with pedesterians. There was much construction just like the highways in the USA. We saw sheep for the first time in South Africa grazing in the very mountianous country side.
We know this will not tell you all the beauty we enjoyed but we hope you can get a glimpes.
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