What a beautiful day. Fall is in the air. During the last 4 months we have had a lot of rain. It would be cool for a day (70's) while it was raining, but the next day it would be back up in the 90's or higher. Over the week-end we had a lot of rain, which is not good for the dirt road back to our flat. Today it was partly cloudy and partly sunny (take your pick). The humidity is down and the temperature stayed in the 70's. This is probably the beginning of the dry season. In Swaziland the rainy season is during their summer and the dry season is during their winter. We discovered in that in the Southern part of South Africa (about 800 miles South of here) their rainy season is during their winter. It was quite dry when we visited early in February. We were certainly in a lot of rain as we came back closer to Swaziland. This is the first time we have experienced such consistent weather patterns. Where we have lived in the USA you could have moisture or dry weather almost any time during the year.
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