Monday, September 8, 2008

What or Who We Miss

This is a Kudu seen at Kruger Park. We saw many of them.

People often ask us what we miss the most about the USA. Our family, Cheryl, Donnie, Seth & Emma Carley, Aaron, Ruth, Miriam, Josiah, & Gideon Stemen, Cindy, Kenny, Kenna, Jaci & Bretyn Wise, and Annette, Nathan, Lucas & Braden Mund. After our family it is hard to say. Shirley Aldrich & I were talking about that issue today. As long as we can receive e-mails from our children we can get through the homesick times. I, Karis, had one this week-end. Did get to talk to 2 of our children though.

It doesn't hurt to miss the political conventions. The South African News paper, which is readily available here, keeps us up to date. It does give a different view of our politics.

We miss our friends, Wednesday night Church suppers with Charlie's cooking, our Sunday School class, Mother's Day Out, Children of the Word and all the School activities. We miss our Sunday morning Worship, but they have great Worship Services in Swaziland.

Recently I, Will, watched some Rugby, Cricket and Soccer. It is not the same as football, basketball and baseball. We don't have a TV and we really don't miss it. We do more reading, which is better for us. I would like weekly reports on OU, BHS, SNU and the OSU(Ohio State). Do the Cubs still have a chance. You can e-mail us at with any stats.

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