Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Today we have celebrated the birth of Jesus. Some of you are just beginning your celebrations but we are now coming to a close of the day. Tomorrow is also a Holiday here so there will be no stores open and all will be quiet.

This morning we went to Church and celebrated with communion, beautiful music, drama/dance, and a message. We took Elvis, the maintenance men with us and Bob & Shirley Aldrich took their yard man Manuel and his Wife, Bennina & Baby Albert. It was a wonderful time Praising God and sharing with these that do not go to Church. In fact Manuel and his wife speak mainly Portugese as they have recently come from Mozombique. Then the 8 of us enjoyed a meal together and played a game of Triominos.

The weather is much cooler today and cloudy. Thanks for all your prayers. It was great to get some relief from the heat.

In our devotions this morning it talked about the Greatest Gift of Compassion Ever Shown. There was a quote from Gloria Gaither that we would like to share with you. God must have said, " I know what I'll do. I'll send My love right down there where they are. And I'll send it as a tiny baby so they'll have to touch it and they'll have to hold it close." Have you touched Jesus today?


Anonymous said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS! It's 11:30 p.m. and I am now done and going to bed. All is quiet, the house is somewhat in order, our tummies are VERY full and Kenny is asleep on the couch . . . everything is normal, huh? We love you and miss you today and everyday! Be good!

Love, us in OH :)

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas from Decatur. Trust you enjoyed your Christmas away from home. We got together last eve, except for my son who has a cold. He is a sharing person but we set limits. My 20 year old grandson was here with his siblings and mother. He is cute as every. HNY