Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More Clinic's Visited

The Nazarene Health System has 17 clinic's in the rural areas of Swaziland. Today Colleen Copple, Leslie MacCracken of Heart 2 Heart, Dr. Terry Hall, Joey Colaizzi, RN, and the 2 of us visited another clinic. This one is training people from their own community to do community HIV/AIDS counseling. It is a very interesting concept to see their own people doing the counseling for the AIDS patients. The clinic would like to go into all the homes and get as many people as possible tested and then on treatment. Many men will not come to be tested but if you go to them they are more likely to allow the testing to be done. Then comes the challenge of getting them to stay on the treatment Rx. This Rx makes them sick without proper food so not only the Rx needs to be provided but also food.

The nurse told us today that the food doesn't last as long as the Rx because they share it with the other family members. How can a Mother or Father eat the food provided and let the children go hungry. Thus the problem of not taking the Rx as needed.

Tonight all 6 of us were together at our place for dinner. We had a great time of fellowship. Dr. Terry Hall showed us the AIDS presentation that he will be sharing with the Doctors on Friday morning. Tomorrow Dr. Hall and Joey will be spending the day at RFM. Colleen and Leslie will be in meetings in Mbabane and we plan to take it easy. HA!!!

Work for the Kingdom in Swaziland continues as it does all over the world. Keep working for Him. Love to all.

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