Sunday, January 4, 2009

Lives Affected

One of the reasons we write this blog is to encourage each one who follows our journey and all who might just happen to stumble onto it. Our hope is that it inspires you to make a difference for God in the lives of others.

Once in a while we receive a comment from someone from our distant past. This blog is inspired by a recent comment. We have always loved to sing. My (Will) love for singing was greatly encouraged by an enthusiastic Choir Director in College. She challenged us to learn and enjoy a variety of music types. (Thanks Christine) Most sports have passed us by, 'but we can still sing'.

This reminds us and we trust reminds you that we never know whose life we might affect. Most of the time we don't realize our influence. That is good, because God gets the Glory.

Who might you thank today for their past encouragement to you? Keep the comments coming in to us, we love hearing from you.


myloach said...

I remember being in Target and humiliating Joanne by singing very softly In My Heart There Rings a Melody...after a while she started singing too. I find I miss you guys in choir, both of you were rocks that I could lean on, so to speak. Music is so mixed with my Love of God it sometimes seems God and music are one and the same. What a Blessing to have the music to enhance the Love that God put in my heart.

Margaret Glyn said...

We will be having a Celebraton Luncheon this week--with sort of a wedding theme (big secret)--celebrating the merger of the two classes. Our name, chosen by ballot yesterday, from 3 submitted by the Council, will be announced then. Your lives have had a great impact on our class (and on me)--Elizabeth will represent you, Will, in the merger ceremony. More later. Love and blesings

mel said...

I remember Grandma driving me to my county choir auditions. She had me sing my song to her in the car. When I finished she had tears in her eyes and told me it was beautiful. I'll never forget all of the encouragement and inspiration she gave me. It has helped shape who I am today. It's amazing what an impact you can have on someone's life when you allow God to use you. I think that is the most important lesson I learned from her, which is now reiterated by you both.

Margaret Glyn said...

I am not sure that I have your e-mail address, so will use the blog for this request. It would be great if you could send a greeting to be read at our Celebration Luncheon on Thursday.

Anonymous said...

hey will & karis! happy new year! just want you both to know that you guys aren't forgotten in either our thoughts or our prayers!
grace and peace,
kathy & fred

Anonymous said...

Hey, we've been reading your blog and really love it! So exciting that your down there in Swaziland. It really sounds so neat.

Gary and Julie Reed

Anonymous said...

I always loved to hear you and Karis sing together. It was always a blessing.

Gary and Julie Reed