Notice the bird on the back of the giraffe. We think they keep the bugs off as most of them had a bird sitting on their back. Many of the giraffes were very close to the road and of course eating out of the top of the trees. This is the dry season so there is not much green leaves left for them.
Today I am staying home to do laundry by hand may I add, clean house UGH and catch up on some of the paper work for Will. He is spending part of the day at his office at the RFM Hospital and the rest with a man that builds solar pumps. As we have said water is a very critical issure here. One of the places we have stayed that is near the Sitsatsaweni Project has a note near the toilits. If it's yellow, let it mellow, brown flush it down. So much different that in the states where we hardly even think of the water. Just go to the sink and turn it on. There is always water so we just take it for granted that it will be there the next time also.
Well this is not getting my house cleaned. Where are you Annette? I need to have the vacuum run.
Water is the stuff of life. Jesus knew what water meant to the woman at the well, literally life. We had water restrictions in California and they are a pain, but the water was always there. The water of Jesus in our lives provides souls thirsty for peace and healing of their lives.
I love you guys.
It is always good to read a new posting! We follow your adventures with much interest, love and prayer. We pray for the water situatin to be improved. It would be great if your laundry situation were simpler--I wonder whether you have a "rub board". Our kids do not even know that that is! By the way, I have one! Margaret
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