This is a view from our flat. We are upstairs and can see the mountains at times. Since it is so dry we have had many fires so everything is hazy a lot of the time. Our Flat has 2 bedrooms, large living room, dining area/kitchen & bathroom. Plenty for us. Especially when it comes to cleaning it.
Friday we will be traveling back to Stegi and staying at Mabuda Farms. It is a beautiful area that gets the dew/fog from the Indian Ocean off of Mozambique so things are much greener in that area. Saturday we will be putting a roof on Rev. Pato's home that is next to the Church in Sitsatsaweni. He can not live there because of the shape of the roof. The Nurses house is almost completed. Still some plumbing to be done but it is coming. They don't work as fast here as we would like, but this is their country not ours. Their ways and time frame not ours.
Sunday Will is preaching at Stegi Church of the Nazarene. They are having a District Senior Citizens Day. We fit right in with them except for the color of our skin.
Then in the afternoon we will travel to Maputo, Mozambique to help Johnny & Carol Fillmore with a small W & W team that is finishing up a guest house on the Nazarene Seminary Mission. The Fillmores are W & W Coordinators there. They have been around for 10 years and are planning to go home in October for good. Well that is until God shows them His next project.
Pray for us as we travel & work with this team. Johnny & Carol were such a great help to our team in July as they gave 4 days of work to us.
1 comment:
Great to hear! My granddaughter, Melanie Fisher, spent a year in Mozambique at Maputo and lived with Wesleyan missinaries while she taught HIV/AIDS ed. at their bible School. She had ministry in the hospital there--put animal murals up in the children's wing. She did much the same ministry in Swaziland, with the Wesleyans in Manzini! I am off to S.S. luncheon-=we miss you! Love
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