Does this place look familiar to you?
Since coming to Swaziland this is the only place to eat that is in the US. The food is not quite the same but it is good. We have eaten at the one in Mbabane but not here in Manzini. When we have to make the trip to the government offices to work on Visa and etc. then we go to KFC for lunch. We are not sorry that there is no McDonald's, but I could use a Sonic drink once in a while.
Today it is very hot and windy. Could stand to have some AC but we must get accustomed to the high temps. We have spent most of the day in front of the fan. Sounds kind of lazy but I guess that is what we are today.
We are asking for prayer again for RAIN. We had fires around us again yesterday. Most of them are started on purpose to burn off the weeds so the grass can grow on the hill sides. Glad they are not starting them today with the high winds.
The question was ask if we had maps or how we found our way around. No maps for most of the dirt roads but an overall map that shows all the paved roads and a few of the major dirt roads. People just find their way by following trees and other land marks. All the places we have gone we had someone with us to get to the destination. Then it is our job to be able to find our way back. If it was up to me, Karis, we would still be out there somewhere wondering around. Will is very good at directions and can find his way around. Now me, I am directionally challenged. Even with a map I have trouble.
Remember you are loved.
It must be a family trait. I couldn't find my way out of a paper bag with both ends cut out. Hey, we can't be good at everything. :)
Sounds like the Navaho Nation as far as roads and maps. Drive toward the big rock...
Love You
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