Friday, October 3, 2008

First Swazi Haircut

Well I, Karis finally was brave enough to go have my haircut. I had heard stories from Rhoda Restrick Missionary in Mozambique. She told of another Missionary who had her hair cut and came out almost bald. Most Swazi women have very short hair and then they wear wigs or add braids to what little hair they have. I was very concerned about what I would look like when I was finished. The only thing I thought was if they cut it all off then I will not have to do anything with it when I wash & dry it. It will be a wash & go cut. Well...... I came out looking like myself and boy was I glad. She did have to cut a lot off as it had been a while but I am not bald. Even if I was you wouldn't know it as you can not see me from there.

I have a new respect for our Son-in-law, Donnie Carley. He has been Will's barber except when we are in Ohio and then either Dave or Craig Wood (2 of my brothers)cuts it. Well, Will would not go anywhere so I finally got brave, bought clippers and did it myself. Not to bad of a job if I do say so. It seemed to take forever and my arms got tired. Now he is about due for another one. Thanks, Donnie, for all your labor of love giving Will all those haircuts. To Dave & Craig, thanks for all the free ones over the many years you have been barbers. When we get back to the states I will be ready for our regular barbers to take over.

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