Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Music Everywhere

It is good to praise the Lord and make music O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp. For you make me glad for your deeds O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. Psalm 92: 1-4

We woke early this morning and listened to the songs of the birds. Their songs are much different that what we hear in the USA. That is at least in the places we have lived. The ground doves have an entirely different call and there are many different birds here. Very colorful birds but hard to pick up the color on a photo. Then we listened to the chattering of the children as they walk to school. The primary school is just down the hill from our flat. Oh the joyful songs of the children as then talked to one another.

Later we went to the Hospital to meet with Matron Anna, Director of the Nazarene Clinics. As we walked down the hallway were heard different music of people talking in English or in their native tongue. What beautiful music if you just listen.

Sometimes we get so busy with our routines that we do not stop to listen to the music that is all around us. May you hear the music that God is sending your way today.


kathy evans said...

h-e-l-l-o-o-o-o will & karis!!!
i just poured through your entire blog; living each entry, loving you guys; and praising the LORD for what He is doing for you and with you! boy, do we miss you guys and our swazi friends!
i want to encourage you by letting you know that there was a leadership meeting tonight at church about swaziland. many exciting updates were shared and plans were made. we prayed for and bragged on you guys. details will be passed along soon, so be encouraged; know that you are not forgotten; the excitement for the partnership still burns (like the swazi fires). :)
we love you both.
grace and peace, kathy

"may our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word."
2 thessalonians 2:16-17

mel said...

What a beautiful post. I will take your advice:)

Margaret Glyn said...

I love going to your blog each day to see what new experience you are having. You are in our thoughts, love and prayers--we are so aware that God is using you greatly. Blessings, Margaret

myloach said...

It is one of the sad things about living in Ohio for me. Only one language is heard usually. It is one of the Blessings that God provides to us, the variety of people and language. I remember that no child left Trinity with out a hug if they were willing under your ministry, and when my daughter was really sad when we first moved here, "No one Loves me" "Your family loves you" "They HAVE to love me, no one but them" I could say "Karis does" She couldn't argue with that one. Love You,