Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Amazing Clouds

Today has been a rainy misty day and we love it. Our dauther-in-law, Ruth has always said she liked the cloudy days better than the bright sunshine. Well Ruth we now understand it better. We are beginning to enjoy the cloudy days rather than the sunny ones. Here are some clouds we have seen but not today. The sunsets and clouds are much prettier here. We have beautiful sunsets 3 out of 4 evenings.

God knew what He was doing when He created the earth. We have seen some pretty amazing sites. God also had a sense of humor, He created us.

What amazing have you seen today?

Monday, December 29, 2008

Heat has returned

How about this way to carry your items. We often see women with a box, bag, or pan of something on her head and a baby strapped to her back and maybe even carrying somethings in both hands. The box she was carrying was very heavy. I think she even had a smile. Barbi Moore (from BFC) tried to have it put on her head and she was amazed at the weight that these women can carry. I can't walk with a book on my head let alone something heavy.

Today we spent a couple of hours stamping linen at RFM and we think we are just about done with the linen. But there are other items that have been sent to them that need the Hospital stamp. It is so sad that they can not hire some people to do this for them on a regular bases. We hurt knowing the hospital is in such need but there are some needed things in storage just waiting to be unpacked and used. Pray that this is something that can be resolved soon.

It is about dinner time for us and too hot to cook so cheese & crackers and fruit sound cool and easy. Are you getting hungry. Stop in and we will share some. Have a great day in the Lord.

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Reread Dec 18 Blog

This is Rev. Maseko and his family that we talked about on December 18th blog. See the mud house in the back ground. We can always remember to pray for people more when we have a face to go with the request. Plus the fact that we can again put pictures on our blog. So you can see what we are talking about

Had a good Worship service this morning and then had a great lunch at one of the local restaurant. So now we are just relaxing at home and enjoying a light misty rain.

Pray you have a great day. We love you all and thank you for your encouragement.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Not Much Happening

WOW! Am I excited. We have not been able to put pictures on our blog for some time and today the information came up so that we can again send you pictures that we are talking about. This picture is Matron Anna, Will and Karis in our new Christmas Duds. Do we look Swazi?

I said not much is happening. Everything was closed yesterday as it was 'boxing day' and then today we have just spent the day reading and doing puzzles and playing games. Cindy and Annette your help is needed to get this 1000 piece puzzle together.

Weather has stayed on the cooler side since Wednesday evening. We still have all the windows open and the fans going but we do not have to be in front of them all the time.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day

Today we have celebrated the birth of Jesus. Some of you are just beginning your celebrations but we are now coming to a close of the day. Tomorrow is also a Holiday here so there will be no stores open and all will be quiet.

This morning we went to Church and celebrated with communion, beautiful music, drama/dance, and a message. We took Elvis, the maintenance men with us and Bob & Shirley Aldrich took their yard man Manuel and his Wife, Bennina & Baby Albert. It was a wonderful time Praising God and sharing with these that do not go to Church. In fact Manuel and his wife speak mainly Portugese as they have recently come from Mozombique. Then the 8 of us enjoyed a meal together and played a game of Triominos.

The weather is much cooler today and cloudy. Thanks for all your prayers. It was great to get some relief from the heat.

In our devotions this morning it talked about the Greatest Gift of Compassion Ever Shown. There was a quote from Gloria Gaither that we would like to share with you. God must have said, " I know what I'll do. I'll send My love right down there where they are. And I'll send it as a tiny baby so they'll have to touch it and they'll have to hold it close." Have you touched Jesus today?

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Days before Christmas

We are just 2 days from Christmas and it still doesn't seem like Christmas. I guess Christmas must be cold and snowy to be right. Although that is not what Christmas is all about. We went into town today (just drove through) and there were so many people I was glad we were just going to the Post Office and not shopping. Most stores said 60% off most items. There are very few decorations and we saw very few people carrying packages. Not at all like the USA.

This morning we spent about 2 hours with a Swazi friend that is struggling with a call to the Ministry. He thinks he is to young to be called and he wants to make sure it is God calling and not other people saying he would make a good preacher. His name is Dumsani. Remember him in your prayers.

Christmas is about God giving us His son. What are we giving to God, Jesus Christ this season.

Happy Birthday to our Son-in-law Nathan. Have a good one!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Summer Soltice

Today at 11:40 am we stood in the sun and made no shadow.(actually we were in church) Swaziland is located at about 25 degrees South latitude. It is the same distance South of the Equator as South Florida is North of the Equator.

Science and math lesson: The earth is tilted 23 degrees on its axis. The angle of the sun is very close to being perpendicular to the tangent line to the earth at this time of the year here in Swaziland. (We knew you really wanted to know this information.)

Why at 11:40 am? We are at the Eastern side of our time zone. Day light now starts at 4 am and full darkness is at 7:20 pm. 11:40 am is half way between those two times. We do not have day light savings time in Swaziland.

Today the sun came up at 28 degrees South of East and it will go down at 28 degrees South of West. What is the angle of the sun rise and sun set where you live?

To our Son, this information was already in the works before your e-mail came in this morning. See 2 good minds work together.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Swazi Christmas Party

Today we were invited into the home of Matron Anna Mdliuli, who is the Head of the 17 Nazarene Clinics in the Bush. She has a real heart for health care to be given out in the rural area. She was a gracious hostess as we enjoyed a traditional Swazi meal with her and a couple of her staff from RFM. We were given a traditional Swazi house dress with head wrap for Karis and a shirt for Will. The older women usually have some kind of wrap on their heads.

We watched her daughters wedding on video that took place in March. Not long before that time her husband was killed by some robbers. He had made a statement before his death that nothing even a death should change the date of their daughters wedding. So the wedding took place as planned. It was a beautiful Christain wedding and Matron Anna was happy to share this time with us. Pray for her as this will be the first Christmas without her precious husband. She is such a loving and giving person that you just fall in love with her.

She is so excited about the work that has been done at the clinic at Sitsatsaweni. She said again today that all the Nurses call it the 5 star clinic since so much has been done to spruce it up and build a home for the Nurses.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Busy Day

Yesterday was a busy but wonderful day. We traveled 300 KM visited 2 Nazarene Clinics, Schools, & Churches, checked out 2 possible hotels for teams to stay, visited and spoke to a VBS, stopped at a home in the Bush. The Nurse that was with us wanted us to see where she lived. There we found a group of Ladies in Prayer and Fasting. They began on Sunday and would continue through today. We knew 2 of the Ladies and were so excited to see that Prayer and Fasting is still apart of the Church here.

Then the highlight of the day was to share Christmas with Pastor Maseko and his family. The 5 children ages 6 - 20all cried when they received their gift. The gifts were not much but to them it was a great thing. Then when they saw the food and remarked they were trying to save a little something so they would have some food to eat for Christmas, our hearts broke. Please pray for Rev. Maseko, his wife Thoko and their children. We thank God for your part in this giving. Without your financial support and your prayers this would not have been possible. I think of the song, "Little is much, when God is in it." How we have seen this over and over in so many ways.

Today was again exciting as we spent a couple of hours with Bob & Shirley Aldrich at RFM stamping linens for the hospital. These have been sent by people like you from all over the USA and they needed to have the hospital stamp on them. (RFM has no money to hire someone to do this so these have been sitting in the storeroom for some time) We stamped linens from at least 50 boxes. This will now eliminate the patients from having to bring in their own bedding. Again the words, "Little is much, when God is in it." There is more to be stamped so we will volunteer a couple of hours here and there until the job is finished.

This will help you know just a little of the work we are involved with. It is exciting and rewarding to know someone is being helped with the giving of God's people (like you) around the world.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


We have tried to write this several times but we just couldn't get into the Christmas spirit with the heat. Today is a beautiful day, it is raining, cloudy and very cool (70's). WOW! It feels more like Christmas. We even had a snow ball fight this morning. You have to use your imagination but Will had gone out for an erand and Karis was defrosting the refrig. The frost looked so inviting that Karis stood at the top of the steps and threw it on Will as he returned home. You guessed it Karis won that snow ball fight. Will was very surprised as he came up the steps and got icy frost thrown on him. There was none left for him to throw.

This helped us get into more of the Christmas spirit. Karis has been baking cookies and banana bread to share with our neighbors. If you were closer we would share with you but since not, guess you will just have to think about how good it is.

Then we went shopping for some items that we want to share with a Pastor on the Central District. This family of 7(we wrote about them before) live in a mud hut and really have nothing. But they do have Christ Jesus and with Him all things are possible.

Last year at this time we never dreamed that we would be spending Christmas somewhere other than in Oklahoma or in Ohio with family. But God called us to serve Him in Swaziland and we would not trade this time for anything. God has been so good to watch over us and protected us. We have experienced things that are just beyond what we would ever think we would be doing at our age. When God calls he takes into consider age and gives whatever we need to do the work. We must just be faithful to obey. He may be asking us to come back again sometime to work with these dear people that need to know Him as we do. Maybe God is calling you to go or do something beyond what you think you can do. Listen to Him and be willing. He will work out the details if it is His plan for you.

We wish you a Blessed Christmas as we all remember and celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. We pray for you.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Happy Birthday, Son

To our son Aaron Lee Stemen, we wish you a great day in the Lord. You have brought such joy into our lives and we continue to Thank God for sending you to us. You truly are a gift from God. It is hard to believe that you were born 43 years ago today and have been such a delight to us. May God continue to Bless you and your precious family. May He give you many more years to serve Him.

Saturday, December 13, 2008


Now that we are in the rainy season (and Hot), where the goats and cows are not, there are weed-eaters. What do animals and weed-eaters have in common?

We have seen a few lawn mowers in Swaziland. An old John Deer rider at the Nazarene Theological College and a few new 22 inch push gas mowers in a store. Because of the rocks there are many places where you can not use a lawn mower, but there are a lot of places you can.

What really puzzles us is that you can buy 2 of the gas lawn mowers for the price of one of their fancy weed-eaters.

In places where you can use a lawn mower, you can mow 3 times as fast as a good weed-eater. When we talk to the Swazi's about this they just shrug their shoulders.

Maybe it is because manual labor is so inexpensive. It will take 2 men at least 10 each to mow 1 and 1/2 acres and they get paid about $4 a day. Inexpensive labor wouldn't you say? No wonder people have very little.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


PRAISE THE LORD!!! BLESSING ON YOUR DEAR PEOPLE THAT SAW A NEED AND HELPED US!!! Those 2 statements were voiced this afternoon as we watched the water flow in the community of Sitsatsaweni. The Solar Pump is in place and working producing more water than Jimmy the man doing the pump though would be. He had told us that he thought there would be between 3000 & 5000 liters per day but already it has produced more. Now Jimmy is saying he expects between 8000 and 10,000 liters per day. What can we say except 'Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow'.

One person we talked to was so excited that she will not have to drink water that is run off water from her roof or walk 3 to 4 KM to get dirty water out of the pond. We saw kids skinny dipping in that water as well as the cows and goats drinking from it.

Now our prayer is that the people will realize that they can also drink from the Living Water. Pray for Pastor Pato and the Church in this community.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Home Sick --- A Little

A few hours ago we dropped Dr. Terry Hall and Nurse Joey Colaizzi off at the airport. We have enjoyed entertaining friends from BFC and the USA for the last two and one half weeks.

At times we believe we are getting a handle on the Swazi Culture. Other times we know we still have an awful lot to learn.

The language barrier is not that big. Many want to practice and converse in English. Others are most happy when we greet in siSwati. Some common greetings and responses are:
Greeting ------ Sawubona
Response ------ Yebo Sawubona
How are you? ----- Unjani
I am fine ------- Ngiyaphila

Their English is often just about as confusing:

A is pronounced --- ah
E is pronounced --- long a
I is pronounced --- long e
O is pronounced --- long o
U is pronounced --- oo

Just like in England there is the bonnet, the boot, slip, serviette and many others to get used to. A bonnet you do not wear on your head, a boot does not go on your feet and a slip you do not wear either.

Will is Weell and Karis is Kahrees. Some call us Mr. Weell and Mrs. Weell as Stemen is to hard to say. But most often we are called Babe and Make (K is a G in their language). Are you totally confused? Well --- sorry about that.

Have a great day in the Lord. We will.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Beautiful day

The sunny was shinning and the temperature was nice. A little on the warm side but not real hot. We took Terry and Joey for a drive to Mbabane, the capitol of Swaziland and enjoyed the sites along the way. We did some shopping for true Swazi items and ate dinner at Malandela's where Terry ate the last serving of Apple Crumble. If you don't know what that is you will just have to visit Swaziland and we will take you there for a great dessert. It is a favorite to most that have eaten there and they only had one serving left when we were there. So Terry won the prize and enjoyed it.

Tonight is our last night together, so Terry, Joey and Will are sitting at the kitchen table playing a game. They are very competative at least it sounds that way. I just heard one of them say, 'it is only a game'.

The last 3 weeks have been fun, exciting and a joy to have several here from BFC. We have been very busy but it has been worth it all.

Terry & Joey will be at RFM again in the morning and then we will take them to the airport and say good bye. Their trip here has made a difference in the lives of those they came in contact with.

We will be checking out things for the next team that will be coming in March. Looking forward to whomever will be coming and praying for each of you. We do not know who it will be but God knows those that will be coming.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Medical Treatment Under a Tree

Friday after the seminar Dr. Terry Hall, Joey Colaizzi RN and Mary Magagula RN (HIV/AIDS Director) saw 25 patients at a station set under a tree. Will handed out Bibles to each patient after they saw Dr. Hall. You never know where medical aid will be given in Swaziland. It was very hot but they had the patients setting under one tree while the one being treated was under another tree. You do not have to have a fancy building or hospital to treat the sick and to share the love of Christ.

There was another couple there from South Africa that are also Mission Corps Volunteers. After talking with them we realized they knew our grandson Seth. Brian & Adrianne Matlock. Brian worked at BFC as an intern in the youth department while at SNU. What a small world we live in. You better watch out we may run into someone that knows you.

Continue to pray for those who need physical and spiritual healing.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

No Such Thing as TGIF

Today is Friday but we can not say Thank God it's Friday as the work here in Swaziland continues. What a day when we can say THANK GOD THE SPREAD OF HIV/AIDS IS ON THE DECLINE. There is so much to be done but we feel God is working here to help stop the spread of this dreaded disease. When we talk to people that is the main concern of this beautiful country.

Dr. Terry Hall gave a seminar to the Doctors this morning at RFM. We continue to pray for God to fully impact this country for Him and then we know that the spread will decrease. As people turn their hearts and lives to Christ ---- only then will we see the spread decline. Pray with us for that to happen and it can happen as we bind together in His Name.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

More Clinic's Visited

The Nazarene Health System has 17 clinic's in the rural areas of Swaziland. Today Colleen Copple, Leslie MacCracken of Heart 2 Heart, Dr. Terry Hall, Joey Colaizzi, RN, and the 2 of us visited another clinic. This one is training people from their own community to do community HIV/AIDS counseling. It is a very interesting concept to see their own people doing the counseling for the AIDS patients. The clinic would like to go into all the homes and get as many people as possible tested and then on treatment. Many men will not come to be tested but if you go to them they are more likely to allow the testing to be done. Then comes the challenge of getting them to stay on the treatment Rx. This Rx makes them sick without proper food so not only the Rx needs to be provided but also food.

The nurse told us today that the food doesn't last as long as the Rx because they share it with the other family members. How can a Mother or Father eat the food provided and let the children go hungry. Thus the problem of not taking the Rx as needed.

Tonight all 6 of us were together at our place for dinner. We had a great time of fellowship. Dr. Terry Hall showed us the AIDS presentation that he will be sharing with the Doctors on Friday morning. Tomorrow Dr. Hall and Joey will be spending the day at RFM. Colleen and Leslie will be in meetings in Mbabane and we plan to take it easy. HA!!!

Work for the Kingdom in Swaziland continues as it does all over the world. Keep working for Him. Love to all.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Cooler Today

We had rain last night and it cooled off some but, they predict hot weather again tomorrow. We have a meeting at the RFM Hospital tomorrow afternoon and they do have a sort of aircon system. Dr. Terry Hall and Joey Colaizzi,RN from BFC arrived this morning. It was such a joy to see the Hospital personnel welcome them and great Dr. Hall with such affection. He was a Dr. at RFM for 2 years about 18 years ago. They have great respect for him. Had a chance to talk with the man that is working on the well for us and he said it should be up and ready to use by the end of the week if no delays. Praise the Lord again for life giving water.

We send our love to all. Especially all those in our Sunday School class that are having physical problems. We miss you all.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Hot Weather

Today has been the hottest day since we arrived here 4 months ago. It was at least 90 degrees in our apartment. We have learned to do without many things but we are not sure about not having AC or aircon as they call it. We started this morning with a meeting with Jim & Colleen Copple and then stopped to pick up some groceries. When we got home it was so hot that we just took it very easy. Guess what, it is still Spring. Summer doesn't arrive until Dec. 21st. How about hot weather for Christmas. It will definitely be different. Pray we can adjust to the weather and tempature. It was hot all week but today has been the worst.

We send you our love and blessings.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Great Meetings

This afternoon we took Harlan & Barbi Moore to the airport to send them back to Bethany, OK. It was hard to see them go and not want to be going with them. We had a very busy but wonderful week together.

Many meetings and lots of travel as we took them to the East District, North District and of course we live on the Central District. So as you can see we have done some traveling this week. We visited 7 clinics this week to evaluate what needs there are. Visited New Hope Center Orphanage, and spent some time with the HIV/AIDS Task Force visiting some of their patients. What a joy to be able to pray with these dear people. Also had meetings with RFM Hospital personnel, with the full Partnership with Swazi leaders. There were also many other smaller meetings with the Copples, Moores, Cosmos Mutowa and Felipe Perdono from South Africa, and Cort Miller from Kansas City. Each meeting gave more insight into the total Partnership program.

Of course with all these meetings there seemed to be an over aboundance of food. Sometimes it is hard to enjoy all the food and frills when so many people are starving. We have brained stormed about many ideas of ways in which many of you can also become involved. For those of you at BFC you will be hearing more about this from Barbi Moore in the near future.

All in all it was a busy exciting week as we see God continuing to work among the people here. We are all working for a common goal to help get rid of the dreaded HIV/AIDS Disease and to bring people to Christ.

We have a couple days of rest and then on Monday Dr. Terry Hall and Joey Colazzi, RN arrive to spend time at RFM and to see some of the clinics. God has been so good to provide us a car that can get to many of these clinics in the bush.

Have a great week-end. We plan to have a great one here.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Tonight we met at the home of Bob & Shirley Aldrich for a delicious traditional Thanksgiving meal. There were 12 of us joining from all over the world in giving Thanks for our Heritage. There were those from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Canada, Mexico and the USA. We shared a meal, sang hymns of Praise and Thanksgiving, prayed and fellowshiped in the Love of Jesus. What a great time was had by all. For 2 of them it was the first time they have had the privilege of this celebration. Tomorrow as you gather with family and friends we will be in meetings with the BFC/SNU/Swaziland Partnership Group. We will have a meal together so in some ways we will continue to celebrate.

We have so much to be thankful for. We love you all. Especially the Carley's: Donnie, Cheryl, Seth & Emma, the Stemen's: Aaron, Ruth, Miriam, Josiah, & Gideon, the Wise's, Kenny, Cindy, Kenna, Jaci & Bretyn, the Mund's, Nate, Annette, Lucas & Braden. Have a wonderful day. We are praying for you and miss you all.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Count Your Many Blessings

"Count your many blessings, Name them one by one, Count your many blesssing, See what God hath done. WOW!!! Not only what He has done but what He is continuing to do. We have had a beautiful week-end and it is not over. Harlan and Barbi Moore arrived safely Friday evening and Jim & Colleen Copple arrived Saturday afternoon. We all met along with over 300 Swazi's at Sitsatsaweni for a beautiful Dedication Service of the Nurses house and the water system. The community has come together so much since we started this project in July. It is exciting to see them working together. Matron Anna said that she was about to close this clinic due to no place for the Nurses to live and that it was very hard to find Nurses to go there. Other than Nurse Ndlovu who had been there 4years without his wife and 2 children, no one wanted to come. Now Nurses are begging to come to this location. They have 2 very fine Nurses and Nurse Ndlovu's family will be joining him before Christmas.

We planned on feeding 200 people but we fed 350. God helped to multiply the food so all could eat. We have seen this happen here before. What a mighty God we serve.

Today we worshiped at Sharpe Memorial Church and again were blessed with the Spirit of God in the service. Harlan & Barbi sang which blessed us all.

All we can say is Praise God for His many, many Blessings.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Friends Coming

Tomorrow, in fact about 24 hours, we will be going to the airport to pick up Pastor Harlan and Barbi Moore from BFC. Are we excited? You bet. There is a full week-end of activities planned and they will not have time for jet lag. Then on Saturday Jim & Colleen Copple from the DC area will be arriving just in time for the big celebration of our first project that began the BFC/SNU/Swaziland Partnership. We will be dedicating the Nurses house. As we wrote yesterday, the community is working hard to clean up around the area from the building project and we are trying to get the plumbing finished. It is so exciting to see a community that has almost nothing come together to work on this project with us. It has changed the community in so many ways and we know God has bigger plans for them, than we even know. What a Mighty God we Serve.

Thanks to all who send us encouragement on your comments. We love getting them. Keep them coming.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

What a Day We Have Had

Today started early as we went to get 2 new kitchen electric Stoves for the Nurses House at Sitsatsaweni. Remember we are in Swaziland and the people can be very laid back and slow. We had made arrangements yesterday to pick these tiems up at a certain time. When we got there they had to go to the next town(one of their other stores and would be back in about 15 minutes) to pick up one for us. Three hours later we were finally on the road to deliver them. We had to drive about 60 miles to deliver these so by now it is lunch time. Fortunately we had taken some cheese & crackers with us. There are no Mc D's on every corner. In fact there are none.

When we arrived we were suprised to find about 100 people from young children, Primary and High School young people there raking and cleaning up the grounds. They were working hard at making the grounds nice for the Dedication on Saturday. It was so good to see the community working on the project without us asking or proding them to do it.

Both Nurses were so excited to see the stoves. Nurse Ndlova kept saying I am going to be able to bake some real good food. He was like a child at Christmas.

We talked to the 79 year old Pastor Pato and he was excited about a man that came to Church last Sunday. The man said he had attended this Church as a child and with all that was happening around his community he knew he better get back in Church and right with the Lord. WOW!!! God is really working on this community.

From there we went to the school which is about 1/2 mile from the clinic and some High School student were moving one of the water holding tanks to where it will be and also placing water lines in the ditches that they had dug. Again we saw how the community is really coming together.

By the time we arrived back home we were exhausted from all the excitment. Tomorrow is another day so will close and get some rest.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday

October and November we have 4 or our 10 special grandchildren celebrating birthdays. Miriam Grace, Seth Adam, Jaci Rochelle and Kenna Rae we wish you each another year of happiness, growth and learning. Keep you eyes on Jesus and let Him guide your every steps. We love you and pray for you as you go to school, spend time with your family & friends, run, play in the band and continue with those things that interest you. As you gather together on Thanksgiving day remember we may not be there in person but you are all in our hearts. Have a great day and keep smiling.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Services

Today we worshiped with a group of about 150 Nazarenes in Hlatikhulu. How about that name for a town and a church. The name doesn't matter ----- the people do. We had a great service with wonderful hymns sung in the siSwati language and the Holy Spirit was right there with us. Karis brought greetings from BFC & SNU and Will brought the message through an interputer. We had a time of Praise as one dear lady stepped forward to renew her relationship with Jesus. That is what it is all about. A New Name written down in Glory.

Following the service we had fellowship meal with the Pastor and his family and 2 other families. How good it is to worship in the different churches as God always is there in the mist.

As I am writing this you are probably just getting yourself up and ready for service. It is about 5 pm here and our day is winding down as yours is beginning. (about 9 am in OK) In about an hour we will have a time for singing, devotions and fellowship with some of the people who live near us on the mission station. Sunday evening are also very special to us as we sing and Praise the Lord together.

We pray you have a great day in the Lord.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Thank God for Rain & Bugs

We are to 'give thanks in all circumstances'. I Thess. 5:18 Sometimes we find it hard to give thanks for all things. The rainy season is here and we now have an over abundance of BUGS. Big ones, little ones and all sizes in between. They also come in a lot of colors. I showed Will a very pretty green one this morning. The color was pretty but not the bug.

This afternoon we had a bad storm. No damage except the loss of electricity, which happens a lot even without storms. It was a big thunder storm and oh, so much rain. This storm came up fast and then moved on just as fast. Even with the rain we have been having still many places seem dry.

We do want to take time to say thanks to God for the rain he is providing and I guess I can put up with the bugs to have the rain. Each morning we have to sweep up the bugs as they seem to come in the house in the evening, fly around, bother us and then they are all dead on the floor in the morning.

Life in Swaziland. The bugs will not hinder the work of the Lord. His work is still being accomplished.

We love you all and thank God for you as well as for the rain and (ugh!) the bugs.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Up coming Dedication

November 22 will be a very special day in the BFC/SNU Swaziland Partnership. We are planning a big celebration as we dedicate the Nurses house at Sitsatsaweni. It has taken much longer to complete than we would like but we must remember we are working and living on Swazi time. They just do not seem to have an urgency to get anywhere or get anything done at a reasonable time. At least that is how we see things. Anyway if all goes as we have planned the plumbing will be finished. Even if not we have 2 couples from the US that will be here that Saturday and we will have a service to dedicate this home to further the work of the Kingdom.

Jim & Coleen Copple from the DC area and Harlan & Barbi Moore from BFC will be here. Both of these couples are very instrumental to getting this project off the ground and to become a reality.

Continue to pray for the people of this community.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Sunday Services

Yesterday Will preached at a small Church (about 25) outside on Manzini. As we had said before we were not given good directions. After 45 minutes and several phone calls (Thank God for cell phones, everyone has one of those here) we finally connected with the Pastor who was waiting out on the Highway for us. We were not late for service, as remember we are on Swazi time. As soon as we arrived Karis was told she had about 30 minutes to teach Sunday School. WOW! That certainly took her out of her comfort zone. Now Will can get up in front of people and talk for quite a while but that is not what Karis can go. She did manage about 10 minutes talking to those from age 5 to 70.

After service we shared some suckers and stuffed animals with each one and you would have thought it was Christmas for them.

The area of the Church is very poor but then we took the Pastor, his wife and 17 yr. old son home. That was when we really saw poverty. The home was about 15 x 20 ft. There were cement blocks holding down a tin roof. It didntl look like there were any nails in it.

They live about 15 miles from the church and have to take a combi (Bus) to get there. Since the Church only pays about $10 - 15 a week for a family of 7 they can not all go to church each week. There were 13yr old twins and 6 yr old left at home due to the cost of travel. They have a 20 yr old in South Africa going to school. She is a Junior in HS. When we saw their home we wanted to cry. It was a mud home that was about to fall down. (Took pictures but unable to put them on at this point.)

After leaving this dear family committed to serve the Lord, we felt guilty going home to our comfortable flat, and sitting down to a hot meal. We have so much and live high according to so many here.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Activities of Today

Today was a very cool day. In fact we have had several cooler days. It is Spring here so I guess we should expect that. It is just that we had some very hot weather earlier and I guess we are surprised that it has cooled down. We have also had some rain this evening.

We went to see a Botanical Gardens this morning with our friends Bob & Shirley Aldrich. The trees and flowers were beautiful. Then we visited the Swazi candle factory and Karis made a small candle to bring home. From there we went to eat lunch in a area that also has an outside garden resturant but since it was cool we decided to eat inside. They had a fire place burning so we set close and enjoyed the warmth of the fire. After we had eaten way to much good food we drove through one of the Game Reserves close by. We saw many animals. None of the big 5 animals are there because it is a small reserve. It is so interesting to watch the animals as they wonder just beside the road and usually don't think to much about people being around as long as we do not make any loud sounds.

Tomorrow Will is peaching in a Church just outside of Manzini. We have not been there so it will be interesting to see if we can find it on our own. There are not many roads signs like in the USA but we have been given directions to turn at this place....and then go this far....and then look for....and then.....till we get to the Church.

Have a great day in the Lord. We love you all and are praying for you.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Progress in action

Yesterday we spent the day in Sitsatsaweni our first GO TEAM Project in this BFC/SNU Partnership. How excited the people are as they see work being done on the original well that has not produced water for 7 years. The water is there but the windmill had be damaged and never fixed. Mostly due to the fact that they have no money in that community and then again who is responsible to fix it. No one wants to take the 'bull by the horns' so to speak and take charge.

We watched as a group of high school young men and their Principalmoved a big holding tank on to the platform where water will be stored. Jimmy and his crew from Agri Pumps where there working on the well. What amazes us is that Jimmy has just trusted us that the money for this system is on the way. He is doing all he can to help us with this project, to see that this community gets the water ASAP.

We also met the new Deputy of the Primary school. She has only been there 2 weeks and seems very impressed with the work that is being done in the community.

Then we talked to Patricia who is the Senior Teacher at the Primary school. This is the one we had worked with before. She could hardly contain her self with excitement. We talked about the schools needing to plant veggie in a garden plot to use for the school and to send the extra home with the children that have no parents living. That is a great percentage of the school. Parents gone due to HIV/AIDS. The High School was already plowing up a plot to plant. We took them a 50 Kg bag of Mealie and some Brown sugar and you think we gave them a million dollars

We learned that there are 4 or 5 new men are now coming to the Church and a new family came the last 2 weeks. PRAISE THE LORD. See what some people willing to give of their time and money to work with a community can do. THANK YOU BFC/SNU 1st GO TEAM and all the teams to follow. Thank you to those who are helping support us and for those whom God is talking to about giving of their time and money to help the dear people of Swaziland.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Memories of our Daughter

42 years ago today we were blessed with a beautiful dark curley headed little girl. Growing up her hair turned blond and stayed that way until in her late teens. As a child Amy felt a call to be a Missionary. That she was in so many ways. She worked at the Allen County Children's Services in Lima, Ohio. As a Social Worker she had many opportunities to go to the Mission field in her work. Her job was to teach families how to take care of their children so they would not have to be put into foster care.

Today would be her birthday but she will always be 28 to us. In 1994 God took her to be with Him after a brave battle of cancer.

Amy today we celebrate again the beautiful brave life and joy that your brought into our lives and those of your siblings. May God use us here as Missionaries and serve just a small way in your place. We will always love you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Spring Day

Today has been a cool day with a lot of rain and thunderstorms last evening. Today the high was 67 and the low 55degrees. Wow! what a change from Sunday. It was very hot and humid on Sunday. The rain has been much welcomed. You may get tired of hearing about rain but when we see everything so dry and the river beds with very little water in them, it is hard not to get excited about rain. We know that so many people depend on the rivers to get their water.

We are in the process of getting a solar pump up in the community that seems the driest. Bless the dear ones that our funding this project.

We will enjoy the cooler weather because tomorrow is another day and it may be warm again. We do miss the colorful change of leaves that are expecially so bright in the Eastern part of the USA.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Swaziland Prime Minister

Last week the King of Swaziland appointed his new government cabinet. The Prime Minister is Dr. Sibusiso Barnabas Dlamini. He is a member of the Pigg's Peak Church of the Nazarene and we have been told a strong Christian.

This week he has had meetings with the 4 Nazarene District Superintendents and yesterday he met with the faculty at the Nazarene College of Nursing. We are very excited to see what he can do for this country.

Will you pray with us for Dr. Dlamini (Lameeni). Pray that he will be strong in his convictions and lead this country in a new direction.

We have also heard from Dr. Samuel Hynd, (Son of Dr. David Hynd, Nazarene Dr that came to Swaziland in 1925) that the King when appointed only wanted to have 1 wife but he was told you follow our customs by the ruling family members or step down. He was just 19 years old when he became King. He turned 40 this year. He now has 14wives we think. Pray for King Mswati III to stand up to the customs of this country and make changes. Dr. Samuel was 3 years old when his father brought him here. He delivered the King in his clinic and is now in his 80's and still running a busy practice here in Manzini.

Thank you for partnering in prayer with us.

Friday, October 31, 2008


Praise the Lord they do not celebrate Halloween here. There is enough witch craft that they do not need anything else to bring that into this country. But when it come to Christmas they are putting up the decorations and the stores already have extra toys and things set out for the children to start making their wish list. Some things are the same but others are not. It is so hard to see those toys knowing that many children will get nothing. Many would be happy with a hot meal.

We are enjoying a lazy foggy, drizzling rainy day. Later this morning we will go to see some soccer, net ball, & volley ball that will be played between the 3 Nazarene institutions here. College of Nursing, Teachers College and the Theological College. The Nazarene Church is working on putting these 3 Colleges together and make a University out of them. That will be great. Both the College of Nursing and the Teachers College are here on the Mission station where we live. The Theological College is in Siteki which is about 40 miles from Manzini.

Have a Blessed Day in the Lord! Sending our hugs to all. Grace & Peace in the Lord.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Back Up & Running, I Hope.

Still having computer problems but we were finally able to get on line with the computer that BFC let us use. It was so frustrating when we were working with a company that fixes computers as they speak English but they talk fast and somewhat broken English so we really have to listen closely. Our own PC is gone. The mother board or whatever is not working. The computer is still under warranty so we will try to send it back to Bethany, OK. with Dr. Terry Hall when he comes in December and then give the responsibility to our daughter Cheryl to try to get us a new one. After three times in to be fixed I think we should get a new one from the company. Anyway we are now back on line. Enough of that complaining.

For you that like to mow the grass or you that are glad the fall is in the air....let us share how the Swazi's mow the grass. The area where we live has about 4 acres of area to mow. The grass is spotty but of course the weeds come up. We have not seen anyone use a mower here. They burn off the fields or they use a weed eater to cut the grass. They have a mask that they wear and then they just take their time cutting the weeds and grass with the weed eater.

Continue to pray for our friend Carol Fillmore. She has been diagnosed with cancer of the abdomen. Pray for wisdom for the Doctors as they prepare a plan of treatment.

We love you and miss being able to communicate by e-mail so will be trying to follow up on all the replies.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Week of travel

This past week we traveled from Manzini, the center of the country (which is about the size of the state of New Jersey) to the East, North, South and back to Manzini each night.

We visited the District Assemblies which was spoken in both Swazi and English. What a joy to hear the Pastor's reports and share their joys. They shared about the new converts that are being discipled for baptism. Many shared that they had been able to get hooked into electricity this past year. Many shared the need for water to their communities. All the Districts are growing in number but 2 are struggling financially as there is just not enough work for so many people. Rev. Collin Elliott, the Africa South Field Strategy Coordinator, repesented the General Supt, Dr Jerry Porter. A General Supt. comes only every other year due to the number of assemblies that need to be chaired in Africa.

On Saturday we attended the funeral of our friend Valerie Young's Sister. It was held in the Church and very simular to a Christian funeral in the states. The difference was that everyone goes to the graveside and stays until the casket is fully covered with dirt. Then they all gather for tea and cake. The burial was at a family cemetery. After that part of the funeral was over the family all went to Valerie's home for a BIG meal. We live right next to her so we were part of the family. We could not believe the amout of food that was fixed and consumed. Boy was it good food. We may have eaten enough to share with you also. The Swazi's know how to celebrate and the home going of a Christian is a good time to celebrate.

Our computer is still down so will write again when we get a chance. In the meantime continue to remember us in prayer.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Computer Down

Our Computer is down so just want to let you know we are doing fine and staying busy. It is raining right now of which we are very thankful. Please pray that we can get our computer back up working soon so we can receive e-mails and do our blogs.
Thanks for your patience and prayers.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Familiar Place

Does this place look familiar to you?

Since coming to Swaziland this is the only place to eat that is in the US. The food is not quite the same but it is good. We have eaten at the one in Mbabane but not here in Manzini. When we have to make the trip to the government offices to work on Visa and etc. then we go to KFC for lunch. We are not sorry that there is no McDonald's, but I could use a Sonic drink once in a while.

Today it is very hot and windy. Could stand to have some AC but we must get accustomed to the high temps. We have spent most of the day in front of the fan. Sounds kind of lazy but I guess that is what we are today.

We are asking for prayer again for RAIN. We had fires around us again yesterday. Most of them are started on purpose to burn off the weeds so the grass can grow on the hill sides. Glad they are not starting them today with the high winds.

The question was ask if we had maps or how we found our way around. No maps for most of the dirt roads but an overall map that shows all the paved roads and a few of the major dirt roads. People just find their way by following trees and other land marks. All the places we have gone we had someone with us to get to the destination. Then it is our job to be able to find our way back. If it was up to me, Karis, we would still be out there somewhere wondering around. Will is very good at directions and can find his way around. Now me, I am directionally challenged. Even with a map I have trouble.

Remember you are loved.

Friday, October 10, 2008


In the last blog we showed you the vehicle we drive now you need to see the roads we have traveled. This road is up on the side of the mountain. Praise God for keeping us safe. This is just one example and will probably not show how it really is but it will give you an idea. Pot holes and rough roads in Oklahoma are nothing compared to many of these. Now before you think it is all dirt roads --- well there are nice paved roads also. It is just when you get out of the city and into the Bush area.

Have a Blessed Week-end. We love you and are praying for you.

Pray for our friend Carol Fillmore of Mozambique. She just found out that she had a growth in her abdomen that needs to be removed. They are leaving Oct. 14 to return to the US for up coming surgery. Johnny & Carol are volunteer missionaries and co-ordinate Work & Witness teams in Mozambique.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Praise God For 4 Wheel Drive

1999 Toyota Four Wheel Drive. Thank you to ALL who helped pay for this vehicle. We wish each one of you could come here sometime and see what you purchased for us to use and the BFC/SNU Partnership team to use.

Tuesday & Wednesday we were traveling out in the Bush areas. We traveled on some roads that were only accessible with a 4 wheel drive vehicle. Just 2 weeks ago God allowed us the possibility of purchasing this vehicle and selling the first little Opal that we had purchased. We are so thankful to have the bigger vehicle for the travel needs here in Swaziland.

There are NO roads in the US like some we have encountered here. Once you get off the paved roads it is hard to tell what you will be driving on. A little path to us is a road for some. Many rocks, ruts, holes and whatever is on the road as well as up and down the Mountains.

We were visiting Churches that are way out away from any town. Sometimes we wonder how people can walk as far as they do to go to Church. They do love the Lord. God is good!!! All the time, God is good.

Thanks again for all your prayers and financial help you have given us. We love you.

Monday, October 6, 2008

100 Years Celebration

100 YEARS AND COUNTING! What a beautiful day we had as the Nazarene Church around the world celebrated 100 years as a Church. The Church was to dress in their Native dress. Those pictured are a part of the Praise Team at Living Waters Church of the Nazarene. It is the only fully English speaking Nazarene Church in Manzini. They sang choruses and some songs in their native tongue but when we as a group stood and sang 'Holiness unto the Lord' WOW! It was just another reminder that wherever you are God is there. The Pastor recognized many in the Church that were giving of their time for Missions. We were among those along with our friends Bob & Shirley Aldrich, Val Young, a former Doctor that was there visiting from the US, and a former Ministers wife (whose husband was a former Pastor of the Church.) Following a 3 hour service we continued the fellowship together with a traditional Swazi meal. It was all set up and the plates had been dished up. We just picked up a plate of food that looked good to us and set down to enjoy the bounty. This was all set out, served, and cleaned up but the younger ladies of the Church.

The young man in the blue shirt is the son of Rev. Shongwe, Central Nazarene DS. We wish that you could have heard them sing and dance in the Spirit of the Lord.

Friday, October 3, 2008

First Swazi Haircut

Well I, Karis finally was brave enough to go have my haircut. I had heard stories from Rhoda Restrick Missionary in Mozambique. She told of another Missionary who had her hair cut and came out almost bald. Most Swazi women have very short hair and then they wear wigs or add braids to what little hair they have. I was very concerned about what I would look like when I was finished. The only thing I thought was if they cut it all off then I will not have to do anything with it when I wash & dry it. It will be a wash & go cut. Well...... I came out looking like myself and boy was I glad. She did have to cut a lot off as it had been a while but I am not bald. Even if I was you wouldn't know it as you can not see me from there.

I have a new respect for our Son-in-law, Donnie Carley. He has been Will's barber except when we are in Ohio and then either Dave or Craig Wood (2 of my brothers)cuts it. Well, Will would not go anywhere so I finally got brave, bought clippers and did it myself. Not to bad of a job if I do say so. It seemed to take forever and my arms got tired. Now he is about due for another one. Thanks, Donnie, for all your labor of love giving Will all those haircuts. To Dave & Craig, thanks for all the free ones over the many years you have been barbers. When we get back to the states I will be ready for our regular barbers to take over.

Nurse at Sitsatsaweni

Today we visited the site of our 1st GO TEAM project. As we have said before, things move slower here than what we would like, but progress is seen each time we visit. The house for 2 Nurses families is mostly completed on the outside with flowers and shrubs planted. They do not plant grass because this is one of the driest areas in this country. hHey for all of you who love to mow, what would you do without grass. But then for those who are tired of mowing grass, you probably would be all for not planting the grass. They can water the flowers some and hopefully keep them growing. If nothing more than using the used dish water to water them. You know like back in the early days in the US. Now we just turn on the sprinkler or even have a watering system that turns on as scheduled and does the job for us.

This is a picture of one of the Nurses, Khathazo Ndlova, and his wife, Perpetua.
His wife was here visiting and will return to her home and then bring the children back in December if all the paper work can be done. Nurse Loaf, as we have called him, has been working her 3 years while his family lived in Zimbabwe with their two children. Lethubuhle age 7 and Sibonokuhle age 3. Now you try saying those names.

The Nurse graduated from Nursing School in 2002 and then in 2007 received a certificate in Marketing. His dream is to someday work with a Drug company but there are only 2 here in Swaziland. Pray for this precious couple as they work on getting their family together in the same country. We will be planning a special time for them when we can finally give him the keys to his place.

God Bless you all as you serve Him where he has you planted.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How Did You Do On The Quiz?

Here are the answers. We hope you did well, at least it will help you know some of the things we encounter and deal with.

1. We drive on the Left side. That was scary at least at first.

2. The wind blows from the South when there is a cool front. It is NEVER cold.

3. The sun is always in the Northern sky here in Swaziland. We are located about
25 degree South Latitude.

4. Our Temperature is in Celsius. 35 C degrees = 95 F degrees (35 X 9/5 + 32).

5. Hot winds come from the North.

6. Our weight is in Kg., so 70 equals about 155 lbs. (70 x 2.2). We are an adult or a big kid.

7. All curtains, windows, mirrors, sheets, tablecloths, etc. are measured in Cm.
2 1/2 Cm = approximately 1 inch. Our table cloth is 60 inches x 96 inches.

8. Our gas right now is about $4.50 per gallon. I won't bore you with how to figure this out.

9. We most often pass on the Left because that is the way we drive.

10. There is a number of traditional reasons why we hole our right wrist or arm with our left hand while we shake right hands. One is the other person can see that we have no weapon in our left hand. Also we are to always give and receive gifts and money with our right hand. All this makes us wonder why in America do we do some of the things we do.

11. It is Spring here and the flowers and trees are all blooming.

12. The children go to school year around. Three months of school and then one month off. Then they repeat the cycle.

Well now that you have your answers what do you think of some of the customs here?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Looking Up, Not Down

Today we spent time with the HIV/AIDS Task Force on the CentraL Nazarene District. To date it is the only Nazarene Task Force available but we are working on starting them on the other Nazarene Districts in Swaziland.

I mentioned how beautiful this one particular tree is that seems to be blooming everywhere. It has purple flowers on the tree. Mary Magagula said, "yes they are beautiful but are also very dirty. The flowers fall off and make a real mess on the ground." My comment was that is just like 'Heaven' beautiful but 'hell' is a mess and dirty. We are to keep looking up and keep focused on Jesus and not be looking down in life. Will said that sounded like a sermon illustration. I am not a Preacher but how often do we focus on the things of the world that are dirty and sin center instead of keeping our eyes on Christ the Light of our life.

The Tree is called Jacaranda and will drop all its flowers and then be green with leaves. New life in Christ. We can have it if we just reach out to Him.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Quiz about Swaziland

Here are some questions to help you better understand where we live.

1. Which side of the road for we drive on?
2. When a cool front comes in, which way is the wind blowing?
3. During our Winter the sun goes lower across the sky in which direction?
4. When the temperature is 35 degrees, is it hot or cold?
5. When the wind is from this direction it is always hot.
6. If we weigh 70, how big are we?
7. Our table cloth is 150 by 240. Can you visualize how big it is?
8. Our gas costs E 9.25 per liter. That is about $1.20. Is that more or less
expensive that gas in the US?
9. When we are walking in a crowded mall why do we most often pass on the left
instead of on the right?
10. Why when we shake hands is it proper to hold our right wrist or arm with our
left hand as we shake?
11. What Season of the year is it here?
12. What is a normal school year for the children?

Well how do you think you did? Stay tuned later this week for the answers.

Have a Blessed day in the Lord from the Stemen's in Swaziland to you our friends and family wherever you are today.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Children at Work

Here in Africa, everyone gets involved with the work. We have been in touch with our friend Emily from Bethany, Oklahoma. She is 10 years old and very much wanting to come here to help with a project. We pray that someday she will be able to come and share God's light with the children. This picture is of some children that were helping shovel stone to make cement for a driveway. Cement here is made by hand with a lot of shoveling, mixing and putting in a wheel barrel and taken to the place it is needed and then poured and spread by hand and shovel. Sounds like a lot of fun, doesn't it. More like HARD work. NO CEMENT TRUCKS for this kind of a project. The children are very excited to help the people from America that come to help their country. Emily is praying for us and we believe someday God will make it possible for her to come here to share. Keep praying Emily. Your prayers make a difference.

The children are always so happy even though they have so little. There is almost always a big smile on their face and they love to be hugged. Oh, I love to hug them as I always have a hug to pass on. Our prayer is that they always feel the love of Jesus in our hugs. ****To our SS Class at BFC --- our hugs are being shared with the people here but we will still have some for you when we return.

**** Family & friends consider yourself hugged from Swaziland today.

Thanks to all of you who comment on our blogs. We love getting the comments.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Music Everywhere

It is good to praise the Lord and make music O Most High, to proclaim your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night, to the music of the ten-stringed lyre and the melody of the harp. For you make me glad for your deeds O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. Psalm 92: 1-4

We woke early this morning and listened to the songs of the birds. Their songs are much different that what we hear in the USA. That is at least in the places we have lived. The ground doves have an entirely different call and there are many different birds here. Very colorful birds but hard to pick up the color on a photo. Then we listened to the chattering of the children as they walk to school. The primary school is just down the hill from our flat. Oh the joyful songs of the children as then talked to one another.

Later we went to the Hospital to meet with Matron Anna, Director of the Nazarene Clinics. As we walked down the hallway were heard different music of people talking in English or in their native tongue. What beautiful music if you just listen.

Sometimes we get so busy with our routines that we do not stop to listen to the music that is all around us. May you hear the music that God is sending your way today.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Indian Ocean

God's creations are beyond our descriptions. There are just not the right words to describe the things we have seen. The Indian Ocean off of Maputo, Mozambique was breath taking. Thank you Lord for the things you created for us to enjoy. I wonder if the people there enjoy the waters as much as we do or do they just take it for granted and not really see the beauty. May we always see God's handiwork as we look around.

Psalm 9:1-2
I will praise you, O Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders.
I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praises to your name, O Most High.

PS: We were really there but I cannot get the picture to upload. Sorry. You probably wouldn't fully enjoy the beauty of just water anyway.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Oh! What a Beautiful Morning

This morning as we awoke and looked outside the song in the musical "Oklahoma" came to mind. 'Oh, what a beautiful morning, Oh, what a beautiful day!' Then the words to the chorus 'Let's just Praise the Lord, Praise the Lord, let's just lift our hands toward heaven and Praise the Lord,' finished my thoughts. After a day ofmuch needed rain we saw the mountains the clearest since we have been here. What a site of God's handiwork that He created for us to enjoy.

We live in such a small world and yet some times we have to go about 1/3 of the way across the world to hear from relatives. Yesterday we got an e-mail from Karis' cousin Vernon Seitz in Indiana and of course he had to brag again about his almost 20year old grandson. Well Cousin, it will have to stay a tie on this cause our grandson, Seth is pretty special to us. Then we also hear from a great nephew of Will's. Trevor Stemen made contact with us and he lives Jackson,TN. It is really a small world but oh so many people that need to know the Lord and live in His Blessings both great & small.

If you are reading this we would like to hear from you. We are a long way from home that is wherever our family & friends are and we would love to keep in touch with you.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Home Again In Manzini

We have had a whirl wind week of new experiences in the field of building. On Saturday the 13th of September we helped tear off a metal roof and put a new one on the Pastor's home at Sitsatsaweni. Then on Sunday Will preached at the Steiki Church of the Nazarene. Our travels took us to Maputo, Mozambique to help a Work & Witness team from Mt Hood, Oregon, a man from Holland that is 78 years old and is an electrician and a young lady from near Mount Vernon, Ohio. This was quite a team as God brought us together.

Will put in a gate and got the area ready for a drive. Their drive is just wide enough for the wheels of the car as it is nothing but very fine sand everywhere. As you can see by the picture that some of the work for Will was a setting down job. Then he helped Hank the electrician with some of the wiring, did some painting, and other odd jobs as were needed. Today we traveled back home and were very glad to see our home away from home. Living out of suitcases gets old after a while.

Karis spent a lot of time helping with the clean up of the meals, did some laundry, went to the market with the Ladies to get food for the hard working men, played with the children, did some painting and helped get curtains ready to put up.

God has blessed us with some new friends that we have come to love from the team. Pray for Hank, Jack, Jacob, Johnny, Larry, Barbara, Carol, Hannah & Heather.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Rain, Rain, Much Needed Rain

A Church on the South District. As you can see it is in much need of being torn down and rebuilt. The people are in the process of building as they have the money to build. We met a young couple from the Church that is helping to fund as well as do a lot of the work. Pray for this community of believers.

PRAISE GOD FROM WHOM ALL BLESSINGS FLOW, PRAISE HIM ALL CREATURES HERE BELOW! That is what we and the Swazi people are doing. We have had over 24 hours of a nice gentle rain or mist. That is so good as it is so dry that the slow rain will allow the water it soak in and not run off the hillside and mountains before it does any good. We could handle a few days of this but will take any that God gives us.

Tomorrow we plan to put on a roof but will delay that a week or two if need be. Water is more important than a roof as the roof has been this way for years and has been un liveable for some time. God is control.

Have a great week-end! It may be awhile before we are back in touch but don't give up on us. We will blog again when we have online available.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

On The Road Again

This is a view from our flat. We are upstairs and can see the mountains at times. Since it is so dry we have had many fires so everything is hazy a lot of the time. Our Flat has 2 bedrooms, large living room, dining area/kitchen & bathroom. Plenty for us. Especially when it comes to cleaning it.

Friday we will be traveling back to Stegi and staying at Mabuda Farms. It is a beautiful area that gets the dew/fog from the Indian Ocean off of Mozambique so things are much greener in that area. Saturday we will be putting a roof on Rev. Pato's home that is next to the Church in Sitsatsaweni. He can not live there because of the shape of the roof. The Nurses house is almost completed. Still some plumbing to be done but it is coming. They don't work as fast here as we would like, but this is their country not ours. Their ways and time frame not ours.

Sunday Will is preaching at Stegi Church of the Nazarene. They are having a District Senior Citizens Day. We fit right in with them except for the color of our skin.

Then in the afternoon we will travel to Maputo, Mozambique to help Johnny & Carol Fillmore with a small W & W team that is finishing up a guest house on the Nazarene Seminary Mission. The Fillmores are W & W Coordinators there. They have been around for 10 years and are planning to go home in October for good. Well that is until God shows them His next project.

Pray for us as we travel & work with this team. Johnny & Carol were such a great help to our team in July as they gave 4 days of work to us.

Monday, September 8, 2008

What or Who We Miss

This is a Kudu seen at Kruger Park. We saw many of them.

People often ask us what we miss the most about the USA. Our family, Cheryl, Donnie, Seth & Emma Carley, Aaron, Ruth, Miriam, Josiah, & Gideon Stemen, Cindy, Kenny, Kenna, Jaci & Bretyn Wise, and Annette, Nathan, Lucas & Braden Mund. After our family it is hard to say. Shirley Aldrich & I were talking about that issue today. As long as we can receive e-mails from our children we can get through the homesick times. I, Karis, had one this week-end. Did get to talk to 2 of our children though.

It doesn't hurt to miss the political conventions. The South African News paper, which is readily available here, keeps us up to date. It does give a different view of our politics.

We miss our friends, Wednesday night Church suppers with Charlie's cooking, our Sunday School class, Mother's Day Out, Children of the Word and all the School activities. We miss our Sunday morning Worship, but they have great Worship Services in Swaziland.

Recently I, Will, watched some Rugby, Cricket and Soccer. It is not the same as football, basketball and baseball. We don't have a TV and we really don't miss it. We do more reading, which is better for us. I would like weekly reports on OU, BHS, SNU and the OSU(Ohio State). Do the Cubs still have a chance. You can e-mail us at stemen@swazi.net with any stats.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fellowship with Believers

As I write this you are just thinking about getting ready for corporate worship in your local Church. We have been to Church and enjoyed the fellowship of believers here in Swaziland. We visited the Sharps Memorial Church this morning. Oh what beautiful music as the choir sang "How Can It Be" I couldn't help but think of Gilbert Duke from Toledo Trinity and how he often got Blessed with the words of this great hymn. Gilbert if you read this you would be blessed again. The service was in siSwati but Will and I each had someone to interpret for us. The Spirit of the Lord was there even if we would not have had someone telling us what was being said. God is so good and His Spirit is wherever His believers gather. Rev. Cariot Shongwe spoke as this was a special service to honor the D.S. He is the D.S. for the Central District. We have been working closely with him and report to him so this was very special to see the church honor him and his dear wife, Evelyn. The Church was packed and we saw several people that we know. We sang the hymns in English as they sang in their language. What a joyful noise unto the Lord.

We stop to give thanks to the wonderful God that we serve and how He is everywhere and working here in Africa as well in Oklahoma, Ohio, Texas or wherever you are. Have a great day in the Lord and remember Jesus loves you and we love you.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Forty Forty

Today is a special celebration in Swaziland. The country is celebration the 40th birthday of the King and 40 years of independance. A time when the country declared Swaziland to be a country to claim the Word of God. Most people say they are Christian but it is in name only. They lives are not producing fruit. They do not have a personal relationship with Christ.

Pray with us that today as they celebrate that they will realize who the real King is. That the people would come to know a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and take Him as their real King.

Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. We enjoy reading your comments. Prayers are lifted up for each of our dear family and friends.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day at home for Karis

Notice the bird on the back of the giraffe. We think they keep the bugs off as most of them had a bird sitting on their back. Many of the giraffes were very close to the road and of course eating out of the top of the trees. This is the dry season so there is not much green leaves left for them.

Today I am staying home to do laundry by hand may I add, clean house UGH and catch up on some of the paper work for Will. He is spending part of the day at his office at the RFM Hospital and the rest with a man that builds solar pumps. As we have said water is a very critical issure here. One of the places we have stayed that is near the Sitsatsaweni Project has a note near the toilits. If it's yellow, let it mellow, brown flush it down. So much different that in the states where we hardly even think of the water. Just go to the sink and turn it on. There is always water so we just take it for granted that it will be there the next time also.

Well this is not getting my house cleaned. Where are you Annette? I need to have the vacuum run.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Back to work

Kruger Park was quite an experience. This monkey wanted to get in the car with us. We could hardly get the window up fast enough.

Yesterday we were with the leaders of the South District of Swaziland. We visited 3 of their building sites. This is the newest district in Swaziland. Our hearts were touched by their enthusiasm to win people to Christ.

We have been reminded many times during our 6 weeks here of the struggle between culture and committed Christian values. When there is conflict, following Christ must win. This is a problem in all cultures, but it is most difficult in the Swazi Culture.

FYI The average working wage here ranges from $7 a day for domestic workers to $20 a day for skilled laborers. There is a big class distinction between these people and the rich. Even teachers and nurses do not make much more than the laborers. Many Pastors make less than $100 a month.

Generally the Swazis are a very happy people. Money, stuff, and prestige does not buy happiness. We are so blessed. Pray for us as we encourage all we can.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Kruger National Park

WOW!!! What a trip we have had. We keep pinching ourselves to see if we are really where we think we are. We just spent 4 day in the park with our friends Bob & Shirley Aldrich from Nashville, TN. We saw many animals and up close for most of them. The Elephants were are favorite to watch. We will post pictures of many of them so that our Grandchildren can see what we are seeing also. Hey special grandchildren we miss you but we pray for you daily and more.

I, Karis, did most of the driving through the park as Will & Bob both were not feeling the greatest with Upper Respiritory Infections. Shirley & I managed to stall well. Praise God.

It is fun driving on the opposite side of the road as we do in the USA and dvining from the passenger side of the car. But I like it and think maybe we should make that change in the USA. Watch out for my driving when we get back to Oklahoma.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

New Brother in Christ

Sunday we visited the Sitsatsaweni Church of the Nazarene. This is where our first GO TEAM project was. When the team was here we showed the Jesus film and many came to know Christ. Most were children but there was a drunken man in his late 20's that came forward. The Pastor and some of our team worked and prayed with him. Sunday he was in Church and testified to God's saving power. We tooks some pictures of him. What a change in the a new child of God.

Picture L to R Rev Pato 79 year old Pastor of Church, Johnny Fillmore Missionary from Mozambique, New Brother in Christ (Sorry we can not remember his name but I'm so glad God doesn't forget us) Will & Karis

Friday, August 22, 2008

Heart of the People

Friday we had a great day with the East District Supt. We got to know his heart and his passion for the people of Swaziland. He shared with us some of the greatest needs as far as building on his District. The communities have the workers but NO money to complete projects that have been started. One Church started building over 10 years ago and had to stop due to lack of funds. They have the foundation poured and the walls up but no roofing material or beams for the roof. If God should lay on your heart this project just contact BFC to see how you can become an answer to many of their prayers. The big problem we are seeing is that they start to build not counting the cost or budgeting ahead of time. Then when they run out of funds they stop. Pray for us as we work with people to help them plan ahead and have a plan ready before beginning a project. We have also been in contact with a young man that builds solar water pumps. This is also a great need. The community that our GO TEAM was working with has been without water for 7 years. How do you live without water. They also do not get much rain even in the rainy season. Oh the needs are so great but the greatest need in for the people to know and serve Christ. Continue to pray for us as we share the love of Christ.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crocks, crocks & more crocks

When the GO TEAM came here the last of July they all brought these shoes with them. Over 250 pair which we sorted by size and gave them to New Hope Center children and for them to also share with their community. What a joy to see the faces of the Teachers as we were able to share these crocks. Many will benefit from these. God laid on someones heart in Oklahoma to buy these crocks for children in Africa. She bought 1000 pair and then wondered how she would get them to Africa. God then connected her with BFC and the 1st of many pair were brought in. God will make a way for His Will to be carried out. We just have to be obedient. LORD, Bless the dear one you spoke to in Oklahoma.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

God is so good

Today we went to the Swaziland Government to start the process of getting a visa to stay here. We have been told by many Americans that you must go back and forth at least 4 times to get all the paper work that they need. Well, we walked in to the office and in less than 10 minutes we walked out with a # and told to come back in a month to get the next step of paper work. Praise the Lord we had all that we needed the first time and it was rather easy. We had our Friends Bob & Shirly Aldrich with us, with hopes of getting the final paper work done to be able to stay until the first part of February. When they walked out Bob can stay until February 6, 2009 and Shirley can stay until January 1, 2008. This means that they need to go back to Mbabane again soon. This is just another confirmation to us that we are where God's wants us.

The sun is shining today and it has again warmed up. After 2 days of cloudy, overcast skies, we were more than ready to see the sun. On our trip to Mbabane which is about 35k or 25 miles we saw some beautiful mountains and then the valleys where they grow pineapple and sugar cane.

We plan to just relax the rest of the day and reflect on the work that needs to be done here in Swaziland. Thursday we will be going out to home visits with the Nazarene HIV/AIDS Task force. I have been out on these visits when our GO TEAM was here but this will be a first for Will. Pray for us that we can give some encouragement and share the love of Jesus with these dear people.

Thanks for all of your for your prayers and words of encouragement.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Thanks for your prayers

Yesterday we talked about the bush fires and ask you to pray for rain. God answered very quickly with a little rain this morning. Not much but every little bit helps. We could see the mountain range from our flat this morning because the rain had cleared away some of the smoke.

Worshipped today at Living Waters Church of the Nazarene. It is the only full English speaking Church in the area. Then we had lunch with a couple from Tenn. Bob & Shirley Aldrich. Shirley is working on the curriculum at the College of Nursing. As we talked we found that we knew many people in common and then found that Bob is related to our son-in-law Nathan Mund. What a small world. Sharon Mund if you read this Bob is a cousin of yours. Also Dave Mund and Bob grew up together. You just have to watch who you talk about in the realm of the Nazarene Church. We are all related or know some of their relatives.

Tonight we gathered with a Swazi, a couple from South Africa, a couple from Ohio and a couple from Tenn. for an evening of old fashion hymn sing. Since it is not safe to be out on the roads at night we will be gathering together with some of our neighbors to share the love of Christ. What a joy to share with these dear people that are all Missionaries in their own way.

It is very cool here tonight in the low 50's after in the 90's on Friday. As we look out our window it is again raining. It looks like snow as you look at the light but we know it is rain. Much needed rain. Thanks again for your prayers.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Bush Fires

Today it is very hazy. We can not see the mountains. Smoke smell is very strong. There are a lot of fires burning out in the bush. We are so glad that it is not windy like Oklahoma.

I have learned that you can get along without a Washer & Dryer, Microwave, Crock Pot, Toaster oven, coffee pot and TV but you can not be with out a hot pot. Everyone drinks instant coffee or tea. I have been averaging about 4to 6 cups of tea a day. Will still drinks coffee. Instant Nescafe is good and Rooibos Tea is great with sugar & cream. We use brown sugar here which is not at all like Brown sugar in the states. To my family that knows how I like to do laundry, well that may change. I am doing a lot by hand in the kitchen sink. We can use the neighbors maid to do the heavier things.

We know that school is about to start for many of you and we are praying for you, teachers and students.

The work at the construction site (Nurses house) is coming along very well. our team was able to see it almost under roof when they left. Nurse Loaf hopes to be able to move in about 2 weeks. Then he will be able to bring his wife and 2 children here to live. They are now living in Zimbabwe. He is so excited as he has been living in the Clinic for almost 3 years.

Pray for rain.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Swaziland a beautiful country

Beautiful Swaziland and beautiful people but oh such needs. We are so blessed and so spoiled in the USA. God is showing us this every day as we see what little so many live on and the houses they live in.

So much has happened since we last wrote. We were not able to get on line until earlier this week but I think we are finally able to start up-dating you. All is well here. We have been very busy and I will probably share many things that happened the 1st 2 plus weeks as we go along. The first week here was setting up plans for the GO TEAM from BFC & SNU.

We have met so many people and those that will always hold a special place in our hearts. We have helped celebrate many birthdays some from our team and Sunday evening with a swazi as he celebrated his special day. You just can't help but fall in love with these precious people. They are so friendly and loving. They have accepted us with open arms. It is so easy to share Christ here as most people believe and proclaim Christ. I'm sure there are plenty to share with that do not know but so far we have not come in contact with many.

Today Will is in Sitsatsaweni at the work site of our GO TEAM painting window frams that were not quite finished by the team. The Nurses house is up and they are working on the inside. Will have a better up-date after Will comes in tonight.

Yeasterday we got our car so this morning I braved or should I say Will braved to let me drive from our flat to the Hospital where he got a ride to the site. It is very different driving on the other side of the road and driving from the passenger side of the car. We are learning the Swazi ways.

Pray for us as we work on getting our visas so we can stay and do the work that God has called us to do.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

God is still working

Karis just received a report of negative on her biopsy, which is a negative that is good news. Our plans are still on go for ministry to Swaziland. Thank you for your many prayers. God continues to work in ways that we do not understand. He allows tests that we would prefer not to take. He uses them for His glory and He is always faithful.

Friday, July 18, 2008

A Curve ball

Yesterday a curve ball headed our way. (That is how a good friend of ours discribed it.) Karis received a note saying more testing needed to be done following a recent Mammogram. Timing is not the best but today repeated tests and a biopsy was done. Results are being rushed and we will hear something from the Dr. tomorrow. We are trusting God that our plans will stay the same. Pray for God's Will and for us to know and accept whatever lies ahead.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Packing & Preparing to leave

We are very excited as we beging this new venture that God has called us to. We will be leaving on July 21st and we covet your prayers for what is ahead for us. The GO TEAM will be leaving on July 29 and then the real work will begin. Although much work is already in the process of happening. We will try to up date this as often as possible to let you know what we are doing and how you can be praying.

Will will spend the first week in buying necessary tools for the construction team. He also has some meetings scheduled with Swazi Nazarene Church Leaders.

Karis will be working with Barbi in preparing for the GO TEAM arrival and getting information on what best we can do as the compassionate ministry team.